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Everything posted by Realm8kplp

  1. Dear friends! Do not experience, it is the really real account and now I conduct him I, Katie. Maybe in future and other guys that will be written. Alex and Lina never compel us that or to do, it touches pushing a door to. They are wonderful managers and their guilt herein is not present. Unfortunately our room with Phil not evidently from free chambers, and we abandon a door open or no, this is important not so. The room of Lena now not always is closed, simply in the day-time she comes tired after studies and wants to rest in silense and calmness. We will take into account Your wishes and will conduct more than time on free chambers and if in the room of Lena it will take place that interesting, we will try on possibility to open doors. Thank you for criticism in my аdress.I see that it is time in a gymnasium or on dances. Solemnly I swear to take up this at the end of month. Do not forget to look us. Successful day all.
  2. Katie in the bathroom, will be funny washing😂
  3. Hello everyone, guys, very glad that you are still with us and support us. We still have three, but do not worry Peter will return at the end of December. Phil will leave in the first days of November and return a week after his departure. All this time we with Lena promise you to organize merry and hot evenings. The main thing is to not miss anything interesting. Also on the first of November will be a hot party with new guests. Do not miss this it will be very fun. We love you. With respect and love KPLP.
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