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Posts posted by Sexygirl

  1. 3 minutes ago, mic351 said:

    This isn't on the participants.  The fault here lies soley with the guests.  Furthermore, the fact that the cam was covered to me is not going to make me lose any sleep.  I'm with Sparkles on this one.  These are new participants and this is the first time (I think) they have had guests over.  In the grand scheme of things, this is not the sinking of the Titanic.  Right now I'm more worried about the two drunks dudes in Misty's apartment than I am about a covered cam..  Tomorrow everyone one of you will be tuning into this apartment just like I will; because Ary is sexy as fuck!!:heart::biggrin:

    Thank you so much for this sweet words. You make me smile.😍 I was very upset and angry about that ..and I am so sorry again !😘

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  2. ..Well I don t really know what to say ..I didn t expect at that .. it was not the first time they come in our appartament and we don t have words anymore ..

    We are so so sorry about that...i don t have words anymore about that .

    They know about the cam,they was fine with tha..and now this...

    We are so so sorry about that and hope we didn t disappointed you guys ...

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  3. 7 minutes ago, fasterboss said:

    Of course you know,

     and you just have to go about your life as you want

    here are always criticisms, because people want what they idealize in their head and then leave frustrated

    You must remain free and beautiful as you are.:heart:
    and do not care what some might say

    Thank you for this beautiful words! ❤️

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  4. 3 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    That Probrably won't give good views in long term,I like they way you are but we see a lot more sex,nudity,manages,threesomes in this site than possible happens in most regular houses without cam(well some will be as active for sure hehe),spicey things it's always an good thing.

    We know that. But everyone have something speacial ! 

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  5. 5 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    Just messing with you mate.i understand what you meant and you have reason,but basicaly no house in site it's an "normal" house,it's an cam site house,with cams etc.we would see probarby less sex and nudity if were an regular house(well we won't see nothing because it won't have cams and would be private).

    Well for example.. us are really normal!😂😂

    We really live our normal life,with normal sex and nudity. I don t know other house like are,but us really live the real and not in a movie or something like that. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    That's true... and also that receiving friends doesn't mean of course that anything sexy will happen... I visit my friends and they visit me and that doesn't mean that sex is coming :biggrin::biggrin: And in a house with cams that we don't know who could be watching.. even worst, because each one of us have their life and a situation like that unfortunately could be 'bad watched' by others 

    Hehehe. This is truuue 😂. I like how you think. ❤️

  7. 4 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    She looks ok,but really want so see more of..the two great looking brunets,the one from today(that tried the dress)and also the girl from the other night.

    Well i know that,but you guys need to understend not all the people feel comfortable with this cameras and need some time ! ❤️

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  8. 1 minute ago, Sparkles said:

    Tks Ary for explaining that :) I wasn't in fact complaining about that, just doing the observation and try to come to 'level earth again' ... Because watching porno movies knowing that they are being filmed it's not for everyone :biggrin:

    Yeah. I know 😂

    She is creazy girl,but just need some time ! I think after few days coming at us,will be different. Hope that. 😂

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  9. 1 hour ago, ze81 said:

    Agree,looks nice,clean looking,modern style,in terms of looks it's one of the best in vh(possible the best looking)also the colors,decoration,lighting mix gives viewers an pleasent viewer experience.Not one of those VH dark houses,with poor lighting for sure.

    Heeey ! Thank yooou ! Just i love how we decorated the house ! ❤️

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