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Johnny 5

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Everything posted by Johnny 5

  1. I hope she sneaks up later and fucks her little pink toy
  2. So fucking cute!! I want to lick her pussy and asshole deep and passionately!! !!
  3. Fucking hell!! she turns me on so much! I'm desperate infront of my computer!!!!!!
  4. she's playing with her sexy butthole now!! download opera browser or a vpn and you can look for yourself!!
  5. It took me seven hours to put together my latest IKEA cabinet and I'm Swedish Why do you think he's a genious around electronics? I saw him solder on that thing (whatever it was, ham radio?) for two years it felt like, and never saw it working? He did pick up on the guitarplaying pretty fast tho, I'll give him that Would love if leora put the table in the corner right infront of the cam so I can watch her cute kissable face when she concentrates love peeking at her when she's just tweaking and crafting
  6. Because they don't want to get their account banned, but I'm shure there's plenty of caps of this one on peoples computers so If you have something good to trade with someone might trade with you, I do so PM me if you capped it anybody.
  7. Finally Sasha gets some action, The best he's ever had it sounds like.. but can you imagine masturbating to your lifepartner fucking your buddy in the next room???? Haha what a fucked up relationship
  8. I've watched her all day, the other rabbit is hidden behind the couchpillow, hope she moves over to that one instead
  9. It's not my favourite from that Italian lingerie store, but it's not granny panties or unflattering.. The high panties look super hot on her! Might be you have no taste or maybe you are old and don't get it? Trust your own taste Leora because it's very hot
  10. Why do you keep calling Leora lazy Curious, the barca girls allmost never leave their beds and even their bates are low energy, meanwhile Leora spent an ENTIRE day ironing recently and cleans the entire house like once a week, she's easily the least lazy, infact I don't see any signs that she's lazy at all. If you can get away with making money from home you're either lucky or smart, not necessarily lazy Also someone who doesn't need alot of people in their life is usually very secure and happy with themself, I would also say that if you do something radical to your face to potentially draw attention to it that also doesn't seem like a sign of insecurity. I'd kiss every little dimple on her thighs all the time if she where mine btw
  11. Anyone can squirt, just gotta learn the technique, and dare to push and let it go
  12. The little botox will go away and her just as beautiful natural lips will still be there, no need to panic One minor thing she can do is put some red lipstick on sometime, I have a picture of that that I like alot, very pretty
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