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Johnny 5

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Everything posted by Johnny 5

  1. Kinda sick of the attitude that if you don't come it's the guys fault, He's got a big cock so if she thinks it's small she need to do some kegel exercises, but most girls are just to desensitised in the hole to come from just penetration, and need to rub their clit while having sex, which she does mach 5 speed and still can't come sometimes, that desensitisation is not his fault, also bet she's used to watching porn, if your'e used to extreme visual stimulation to come it will be hard without, but that goes away if you cut down on the porn. Bet it's hard to come without a rabbit to if you're used to that since it fucking rotates, vibrates and does like five other things a cock can't do. But that's not what they are fighting about, He's jealous and doesn't really trust her, and she feels imprisoned and like he doesn't leave her alone, and possibly hurt that he never trust her. And I'm guessing that he just gets more suspicious when she get's mad because he likes to call and see where she is and what she's doing.. and they are in that vicious cycle.. more mad, more suspicious. I think she needs to stop being mad and think about what she brings to the relationship?? And what signals she is giving out.. With Smith it's easy to see through his bad boy image that he's a big soft nice guy, but with her it's the opposite.. There is no doubt in my mind that she's a really sweet and faithfull girl, but that can be hard to see when she's also a fast paced sexy dancing party girl that only listens to sexual music about sex and glamourizes the "ratchet girl" image. I don't think it's hard for any of us to picture the same scenario as him of what might happen when she's out partying drunk without him? Because that's the signals she's putting out. I doubt it.. but I hope she talks to him something like this "I'm gonna give the viewers a show today, I'm gonna seduce them and signal for them to follow me and.." And that they laugh about it like a team.. If that's just something he sees here then ofcourse he's gonna think that she's the same seductress in the real world, keeping stuff from him. I can allmost guarantee that she's expecting him to change and trust her all of a sudden, instead of considering what she could change/sacrifice/do to make that happen..
  2. Goodnight Leoralove, kiss on your cute face and butt Edit: Oh back to business.. sigh... unzips pants
  3. Don't do that.. I did and must have fallen asleep before when Leora was sitting in the livingroom, woke up now Atleast I get to listen to her sing
  4. Creativity comes and goes as it wants to.. Do you know what paint she uses? Oil, acrylic, water color? Me and my girlfriend are also "artists" but I don't paint, but I tried water color painting recently and it's really cool if you got the right paper, I tried a couple different papers and Arches 300g 100% cotton GF (Grain Fin) is an awesome paper, she should try it if it's not allready what she does, I see her bates as pieces of art tho, she puts alot of creativity, thought and effort and fearlessly pours her heart & soul into creating these insanely beautiful moments for us, that atleast affect me greater then any other kind of art, and I can be very moved by MUSIC, and paintings like Anders Zorn's "Söndagsmorgon" brought me to tears the first time I saw it, but nothing brings me as much pleasure and joy as watching her.
  5. Before you sounded like she was the least relatable girl in RLC and now like the most.. You need to clarify what you mean little squirrel When I said she wasn't extremely complex, I didn't mean she was simple minded, but rather easy to understand, straight forward, an open book who wears her heart on her sleeve.. And what Howard calls vain and immature I would call feminine, girly, naive & blue eyed.. very young at heart.. I think those are all great qualities that I adore about her. Ofcourse not a simpleton, she used to uphold the law in the town, didn't she? I find that so hot and intriguing about her to
  6. ..Like that for example Her clothes aren't very risque, and buying clothes is something she's pretty recently started to enjoy and still doesn't do very often, so it's safe to say she's not the type of girl that would prioritize buying clothes if she couldn't afford it.. She has expectations of an American life? huh??? See it's even making me frustrated!!!! But seriously Leora.. you need to wear only those fishnets without panties around the appartment when you get back, be carefull, kisskiss
  7. Extremely complex to a little squirrel brain maybe I wonder how frustratingly wrong she must find some of the comments, philosophies and amateur psychology evaluations of her in this thread? Eh, probably used to it now. Goodmorning Leoralove
  8. Haha NOOO!! That doesn't count! but my offer will stand til tomorrow
  9. If Leora bates today I will upload a video of myself cumming all over her, that I hope she finds
  10. Aha, thank's for the info. Let her have her hiding spot for herself I started getting mild withdrawal symptoms but she's making me feel alot better now
  11. Do you know how happy I am that I get to watch you in the morning? You're like a little sunshine that warms my heart and make me full of happiness every day
  12. Hmm, was the dildo on the table the whole time or is it my lucky night?
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