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Johnny 5

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Everything posted by Johnny 5

  1. So romantic you can't believe it right? I know, hard to believe someone can come up with so many poetic sentences that have never been uttered before, about a single subject to, I'm impressed by myself, yep I'm for real, unlike you I strongly suspect πŸ˜‰ Again? mmmmm, don't mind if I do πŸ˜‰πŸ†
  2. Come and cuddle with me naked and press your swollen tender genitals against mine πŸ₯°
  3. Your cute voice melts my heart completely πŸ₯°
  4. Nono, don't put it on the mattress, put it in my mouth πŸ‘… 🧑
  5. mmmm yes, let me shoot one more on your ass 🧑
  6. Holy fuck, I got the same look on my face πŸ˜‰ πŸ₯°
  7. Yeah no, the bed cam is defenitely best, hello there cutie πŸ˜‰ πŸ†
  8. Yes focus on Leora moving like a snake to the satanic music, I hope she performs a rough exorcism on herself later and get all those demons out πŸ˜‰
  9. Nice quotes, my favourite is " They have eyes, but cannot see, because they don't have premium" it's by jesus christ of nazareth. Here's Leora bored by your crap and reading my comment πŸ˜‰
  10. 🧑 πŸ† πŸ•³οΈ πŸ§‘πŸ§‘πŸ§‘πŸ˜‰
  11. The orange couch might be the best cam, I like it alot πŸ˜‰
  12. Apparently only us that are not welcome are the only ones that have an account and watch Leora, and we watch only Leora, even most moderators don't have premium, this thread is becoming a circlejerk for people who don't even watch her.
  13. Leora's been doing the hottest naked stretching and work-out for an hour and not a single comment, the order of the forum has been restored πŸ™‚ You sure know how to make a girl feel special.
  14. Hi marx, I hope your beloved doesn't leave you for your girl lover, as in the case of sam, and sasha, that would be a shame πŸ˜‰ Una grande cerveza por favor, is the only spanish I know, I order it at the primavera sound festival all the time πŸ˜‰
  15. So I can't comment on this? this is going to be torture
  16. Now that I think about it it's quite obvious, I mean if Leora would have deepthroated me until she choked and gagged and begged me to fuck her hard I would be offended over the disrespect.. so I want to have really slow missionary sex while whispering how much I respect her from now on πŸ™‚ I can assure you one thing, assuring me of Leoras opinion and speaking for her isn't very respectful and is probably pissing her of the most. Goodmorning my darling 🧑These people don't understand that you can love and respect someone and want to do really dirty things to them at the same time, so I'm gonna keep a low profile today, you know what I want to do to you sweetie πŸ˜‰ 🧑
  17. Also, that those who look down on and ridicule those of us who are dirty minded would be the ones who respects the women of rlc doesn't add upp.
  18. I'll just try and add her on instagram again, can't even comment jack off stuff on a forum for a jack off site
  19. That whole thread was created to try and piss me off, All the comments there are intentionally disrespectful, by the snowflakes that need a safespace on the forum from which they can throw rocks and quickly hide again, are you kicking anyone out from there? You think I'm gonna comment in a thread called trash? I guess it's completely ok for me to create demeaning threads about other users to?
  20. I'm also a sleepyface now, so I'm just gonna lay here and if you at anytime feel like it, you can sit on my face πŸ™‚ 🧑
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