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Posts posted by werkbank

  1. Il y a 20 heures, Amy3 a dit :

    @jabbath1987 Obviously, we all have an interest in supporting those apts that we want to do well and stay on VH. Also, it seems obvious that the best way would be to view the live cams. What happens to a viewers "vote" if they open another tab and watch 2 apts simultaneously? Would it make any difference if a viewer watched on 2 different computers? 

    @Voyeur House TV Feel free to tip us off on the best ways to support our favorite tenants. Does watching footage of the timeline count at all? Does watching archive vidoes count toward the viewer numbers. Does the number or comments or caps posted and liked on CC matter to them at all? With so many apts, your subscribers have an interest in keeping their favorites on air, rolling in money, and happy! Help us know what are options our to keep them. Thx! ❤️

    Sorry to dissapoint you, but here on forum there are just a few of the vh account owners and the majority just want to watch live porn and they are not even joining this forum. As you can see, the twitter account of vh and the "news" feed on the site are always promoting the same "shit": sex, lot of sex. So, the ideea with "real life, reality etc" it's just a big crap. People like Ary And George that are so natural will be sacrified instead of porn performers like those from George's or Ana&Alex's apps. I know that it sounds sad but this is the reality here: the majority watches live porn.     

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  2. il y a 1 minute, Sexygirl a dit :

    And what you would like to do now ? To do something just for viewers ? And if I will like the boy ,I can t do something with the George cousin ! 😂😂 I can t do that. When something real will heppend,this will be. :)

    Some people are here to watch real couple and other maybe fake couple (something like that ). 

    I told you that i think they are relatives :)))

  3. il y a 3 minutes, thedbear a dit :

    When the boys return, (who knows where they went), is it really going to get serious and serious, or are we going to cook this "tomato" even more?
    It is already passing the point and equally losing interest. Forgetting the focus there.:cry:

    "the moment" whas wen boys went to smoke but the girls did... nothing.

    i think that nothing is going to happen there tonight

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