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Everything posted by upyourass

  1. NOOP....not tonight honey.......ya right....man, what is this world coming too ;-0
  2. And "maybe next week" ๐Ÿ˜‰ but still putting my money on "wet-dream-Akeem"
  3. It is the former app from Julia and Eric....I liked Julia...she was weird ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. Again another one ? man he works fast ๐Ÿ˜‰ .... (Image Content No Longer Available)
  5. DAMN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are these real ?????????????
  6. Hahahahaha...still love you comments mate !! keep it up ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. tnx for that...that made my day already ๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. Hahahaha...du sollst ein Buch uber "die Faulenzer" Schreiben. Ich muss immer Herzlich lachen uber deine Kommentaren....macht so weiter bitte .........hahahaha....... TOP !
  9. Another intelligent comment....................................you know all ages around here ?
  10. Saw it ones, reported it and never watched that Appartement again......thanks bro ...great advice !
  11. Seen that before and even have it taped........makes me sick and very angry. There both still baby's and dont need this kinda sex in my opinion. Hope RLC kicks them out before the younger viewers think this is normal sexual behavior....it isn't !
  12. Damn...I always thought Linda had the biggest Tits, but now I almost fell over these ones....DAMN whats her name again ?................
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