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Everything posted by dwarf
B1 and B3 gone and the drama in B4 finally over? Now B1 and B3 can visit each other every night to play their prepubertal games together. Or sit in B1, do nothing, talk to nobody, and freeze to death
That's not tragic. This is the new year gift from RLC. We do not have to look at these two clowns any longer. Shame about the girls. They are hot.
Oksi and Mila are in the kitchen preparing the food. Seems to be a lot. Do you think there could be round 2? That could be the explanation for why the guests are so long in the beds. Maybe round 2 is planned. Would that be good or bad?
After all these experiences with the two clowns, I wonder if such party invitations come from the residents themselves. Or does RLC possibly prescribe such a party? Also the parties in B3 with Karina / Amira / Daisy? Voluntary or initiated by RLC? Who wants to celebrate something with such clowns and the strange Jenn? She is strange when she is drunk.
That' s cool. After a long night, the guests now in bed and the hosts are up. So the guests can continue with this Kinder-Party in the evening
B2 Girls on Vacation - General Topic December #1
dwarf replied to Noldus's topic in B#2 Lilith, Eris, Pam, Jessi (08/02/16)
It would be nice, if RLC at Christmas and Silvester would open all the cameras. Just from the evening to the morning. As gift to the world 🙂 -
Yes, i agree. And with Jenns prepubertal "erotic games" and in the end do nothing, this will be wasted time
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
Sorry, I think that Masha has lost a lot of control in this game. The game is now more and more a game between Dasha and Sasha. Thats why I said, that Dasha use "sex" to achieving some exactly defined goals. -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
As I can read in the posts of the last days, Dasha becomes more and more the personality of a Woman who precisely calculate sex vs. some advantage or benefit, and acting like one. I would be glad, if Sasha would make sex to her, without ask her for her permission. This is my opinion. I dont wrote that he should rape her. I wrote that I would be glad if he would do. Thats the difference . You should learn to read between the lines. Better now? And some guy here who think they have to judge me: Member since 2015. Attached to RLC every night/day. No social life. No sexual life. Better you close your mouth. -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
Because I’m sick and sit around at home I decided to watch the party tonight. Was this a cold shower from Masha to Dasha? What I have seen, is that Dasha from the mid of the party toward the end, more and more was attached to Masha. Maybe too much? She was more and more like a little girl. Like one of these prepubescent girlies, with their girlie relationship. Spend the night together in the same bed, hugs, cry together, and some of them kisses or go further and makes even the first sexual experience this way, and so on. And Dasha remembers me this kind of relationship. Maybe Dasha has at the moment a little emotional life. And when she is drunk like in this party she needs somebody to hold. Every minute she hugs Masha. And even put her hands on Mashas ass. And Masha gentle and kind answers to this hugs with hugs. Sometime she likes, sometime she was gentle, nothing to say. But maybe in the end was too much. Because Masha has a partner. She seems not to be so dried up in emotionally and sexual terms. And really, because of all this hugs the girls do, I had the idea that Masha now enjoy the to go to bed with Dasha. But she "escaped" from Dasha. Spontaneous she decided to go not to bed with Dasha. This decision was so strange. Maybe to avoid that Dasha would hold her the whole night like an octopus in love. It seems that even Sasha was surprised from this decision. So Masha prefers the “danger” of a guest who turns around and come closer (like in this moment ha ha ha) than the octopus arms of Dasha. a pity Just an idea.... -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
I leave you the battlefield..... As i announced the other week i would step back. Last week i was very consequent and i was never in RLC and this forum. This week I was absolutely not consequent and imediately I was absorbed by this show story. As I mentioned I would not see D/S do enything together. Makes me sick.. I must go back to my own life. I will avoid RLC and come only occasionally to this forum for reading the news. I am sure if there will happens something between D/S then here in the forum will be a big party. Then I will know that something is going on...... Then I will try to accept my defeat like a English gentleman. See you -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
Why they can stay in Italy is a question I had aks myself this queston. I dont know what tey are doing before christmas. Was they the whole day at home, except when they are out for shopping. Are they students ()? Universities in Italy are closed for vacation from Christmas to the mid of February. When they begin to leave the apt from mid of February on they maybe are students. If not..... I dont know -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
I use too the terminus "ordered" (by masha) and it was not appreciate. And today a must say I dont think that there was a commander who ordered her to do what she do. But maybe convinced her with a lot of loud words and som loud enthusiasm. So she in the end agree. We can not really know. If she really would leave at march, we will know if there somthing was between this u..y guy and her. -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
Yes, you have right. The script is strange but the catch me. Even somethime I think Dasha plz, not with Sasha. With every other man would be ok. But not with this guy. How can you have this closeness with him? Look at him! I have such an antipathy against him. And then I think ok do it. Because then you create some facts. Then I can decide if I would continue to watch this apartment. I think no. In the begining of my visits in RLC in oct/nov 2017 I watched this apartnent only for a few of minutes, when I go to RLC. It was allwas boring. Even when Dasha arrived first I take no notice of her. Then in the time between Christmas an New Year, i was alone, because my (ex-)girlfriend an I has separatet, i began to watch more and more. But not the apt of M/S. All the other. I watched how they spend Christmas togehter and so on. And in the Night of New Year I have really taken notice about Dasha. Her lovely appearance catches me. And the first time, when she kissed with Masha, and Masha spend the nights togheter wit her on the sofa, all was ok. But slowly Sasha begans to appear and go closer and closer. And then my obesssion begans. Because I feel such a dislike against him, something pushes me to "control" that nothing will happen. And this new nightly closeness at night in the first moment was a "shock" to me. Stupid, I know. It's M/D/S's life. And the can do what ever they want. The problem is, that Sasha is Sasha and not another man . Thats why I said, maybe its better when Dasha would leave, or D/S would begin sexual activities so I can declare my defeat and stop watching. -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
Your warning comes to late. Thank you. I think i'm really obsessed. I try to stay away, but I have the sensation that I must watch every moment. Even during the day. Because at my working place I have no problems to watch them -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
The first time I see Dasha now with her new hair style and with make up sitting in the kitchen. She is really a cute girl. And I watched something. A few minutes ago Sahsa was in the kitchen too. When ever she pass in front of him he looks at her. But Dasha never looks at him. Never. Outside the bed she is absolutely cold to him. No interest in him. What makes the nightly closeness more stupid. -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
Ha ha, maybe I fond the solution why this closeness ends in the morning. I'ts only a theory. And I dont know if this distance they have in the morning, was only yesterday and today. About the other days I dont know. And this missing puzzle makes me insecure about my theory. But listen: As everyone knows in the morning normaly the breath of a human begins to stink like a uncleaned toilet. If you are in bed with someone you really like or maybe love, this is not important. But if you are in bed, in extreme closeness with someone you are there only because the script wonts, someone youl would normaly even not touch with a pliers, then that morning smell must be a real horror. What do you think? Should I ask Scotland Yard for a Job? -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
It seems that in the early morning hour, between 6 and 7, the closeness desappers. Yesterday and today it was so, the other days I dont know. Yesterday was very strange situation at 06:10, when I get up for prepare myself to go for work. I was sitting with my coffee to my computer an watch D/S. Dasha is laying on her side, but she was almost at the edge of the bed. her head was a little bit outside of the bed so that all her hair hangs down. It seem to me that it would not be a very comfortable position. Sasha was behind her. Because I was a little bit stressed I had not the time to watch how close he was. Was this hair hang down the result of a crazy and passionate hug/spooning? Or was this Dashas try to escape the closeness that Sasha wants. Makes not sense, when take in consideration that she goes close to him during the night. But, 10 Minutes later, when I take another look, oooppps, thy where completely separated. Dasha now lays on her back and Sasha was on his side of the bed. An at 7:00 when I left my home, they still there in this separated position. Closeness is gone. And this morning I take a look at 7:00, and they was separated. Each of them on his side of the bed. It really seems that the closeness disappers in the morning. Why not stay close togheter just when they get up? Show? Show thats end in the morning hour? Masha script? And when they decided that one of them has to sleep on the sofa now, because the bed is to small for tree persons, will Dasha sleep on the sofa too again? Or is she the only one who has to stay in bed one week with Masha, one week with Sasha. As personal toy, as little pet dog, of Masha and Sasha. And she agree because the time with Demid in RLC has made this little dog out of her? I know, some of the forum members would be happy to see her in sexual activities with Sasha. Just before they began this nightly closeness I have said that I would never see them so. Meanwhile has no more that importance to me. Better not. But I think that we all togheter has one opinion about this scripted reality of them: Really stupid. -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
This was a thought I had this evening too. The bed maybe is to small. Very simple reality. And they decided not only the round robin schedule, but to connect this to a sexy show And more and more becomes important not to understand why they have not some sexual actions togheter but to understand the game they do. Like resolving a crime case. D/S are almost the whole night totaly close. Hold each other. not only for 5 minutes and then "come on, ist good now, the show is over. lets sleep". No, the whole night. And nothing happens. I never has seen some real kisses between D/S. How is this possible? Can a such a closeness go the whole night and only be a game show? The whole night without a reaction? Normaly I would say is show. But it's this all night long closeness, thats confuses me so. As if they are total in love. And then outside the bed - absolute nothing. Maybe a spoken word and a smile. That's all. The whole day the closeness is gone. And then in the evening in bed she comes back. And in the other side, as mentioned from a forum member, Dasha gives Masha a goonight kiss and then goes to bed with her boyfriend. And Masha? She seems absolutely not concerned about that. Is there a agreement? Is it a show with a unwritten script, that nothing will happena? But then comes this whole night closeness...... and so on As I said in the begining, it's no more so important if D/S would do something togheter. It the case I would be happy to resolve -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (February 2018)
dwarf replied to Johnny 5's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
Wow, exactly the person who offend other forum members when they have other opinions, will tell us what we have to say about the tenants and what not. I dont need a teacher who tells me what I should say. I dont care about the tenants.abolutely not. There was a certain interest in the person of Dasha. But this has changed. This three person has decided voluntarly to be public persons when they go to RLC. And public persons, thats the risk, somethime has to accept hard words. Even very hard words. And I'm not interestet to know how many wonderful moments they give to the forum members. What I see is a ugly pinguin who has his brain in his (Derogatory) with a rather simply female partner who has her brain in her (Derogatory), and numbre three, the little dog Dasha who has to do what the other two wants. Maybe even when she has to fuck for the bad show. And what I see is something that has nothing to do with CULTIVATED exhibitionism and voyeurism. What I see, more and more, are three bad acting porn actors. Cultivated exhibitionism/voyeurism is totally different as this stupid show. And I have the freedom to say what I think about this three ridiculous people. And honestly, I begin to see the whole RLC as a camouflaged porn site thats claims that it has to do with exhibitionism and voyeurism. -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (January 2018)
dwarf replied to StnCld316's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
With the rosary beside the bed, if Dasha feels some affection for Sasha, last night when she was alone with hime in bed the whole night, and was so close to him, she will think o lord let this cool man be my man. And plz let Masha disappear. If she does only for the bonus-earning show she will think oh lord let morning come very soon and deliberate me from the arms of this pinguin. I really would know what Dasha thinks in moments like last night. -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (January 2018)
dwarf replied to StnCld316's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
What remarkable things has Dasha done in the prior RLC house or in VH? As far as I has understand she was in a relationship with Demid. Is this right? Has Dasha fucked around like a bitch with other people/tenants? You really see it? All things that happens before october/november 2017 I dont know..... -
Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (January 2018)
dwarf replied to StnCld316's topic in Masha (10/13/15 - 08/22/24)
They are all three on the sofa now and make her leg knots. The first time after a long period I see them there on the sofa and they do things they normaly do only in bed fro the premium visitors. It makes me wonder how long they will stay there before they run to the bedroom for the daily evening show. And every time, like now, when I see his hand on Dasha i would sit in my car, passing the San Gottardo Tunnel and go to Italy to convince him sotly to take away this dirty fingers.....