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Everything posted by OficialKnJ

  1. We mostly play League of Legends and, lately, PUBG. Either twitch or Mixer, yeah ;D we do play some xbox one every now and then, but mostly PC!
  2. Well we really do like gaming, we are planning to stream aswell. It's ok if u don't find it appealing but this is our life :p Real lives, in real time! we are not about scripts or anything, we do what we like when we like u might have some luck and catch us do crazy stuff or we might be in the mood for some couch and movies :p I hope you enjoy interacting with us though, we tend to be nice people. And we were not "arguing" we wore having a discussion, but not between us, it was about something that was going on with me and my dad. Cy@ guys :D
  3. That, Sir, is a Masterpiece xD You better frame it!
  4. There is awesome stuff in China! Most Great stuff is made there. Although we still have the stigma that everything that comes from there is bad, there are a lot of local enterpreneurs striving for quality.
  5. Dunno, but that one is really good! Like Ferrari good!
  6. There is a lot of quality content among you guys ^^ Keep those comming !
  7. Even though France got nothing on Portugal past the first 30 min.. They blew up and our god like team took what they deserved ^^
  8. We'll be using the living room one though! Gets a lot more sun :D
  9. hahaha xD It's a JBL Speaker Pulse 3! it's 200$ xD
  10. that giant zone are 2 bedrooms and a balcony. They are there and u dont see them cause we dont use those rooms a lot. they are being used to quarentine our cats and to store some generic stuff!
  11. It's Lelo for the most part xD Lelo Soraya for the most curious.
  12. I think yoga pants/leggings are ideal :DD
  13. We are trying to define a workout for Cat as she doesn't like to do much cardio and all. We have dance classes 2 times a week but it isn't too much of a workout. We should start tomorrow with some easy stuff. :D
  14. I know what u mean, but I.E. Simba would rather be around us(ONLY) then to have to be with the other cats... He just doesn't like other animals, but he's super happy around humans. Althought he has gotten a lot more social( which isn't saying much, as every now and then someone takes a paw to the face), then he was before when he came here. He is the eldest of them all (7years) and probably had some bad experiences with other cats.
  15. Only Mi, the smaller female isn't castrated but she is probably sterile because of how small she is. Never developed further. As for the rest, all castrated. I wouldn't have them orgying around xD And I know they are too much, but we just kept on finding beautiful kitties in need :| we couldn't just tell them no... But we won't be taking anymore... We had a all white one here before christmas but it was my Mom's present, that one was a sweet too.
  16. They are almost well, we'll comb the females after dinner. So there are 2 "brown" tiger patterns, 2 black and white, and one gray tiger. The black and whites, female named Musta(Musha for friends, as she had a pretty mustache when she was little); the male is Charlot (Lôt, for shortening) this one is small for the race; The "Brownish" Tigers, the female is named Mi ( she is really small but she is over 1 yo); and the male is Tufas(this one is the big fat cat xD Althought he doesn't eat more than the others; The last one, the real grey tiger is called Simba, you saw him in the kitchen. He always acts like a prince and seems to be rid of the bugs!
  17. I agree, but it was kinda cold in here as the heating wasnt turned on and I left a window opened! My bad!
  18. They are 5... But they aren't ready to show up yet. They are quarentined because they caught some fleas, we are waiting for a stronger de-parasitic because we used 3 of them that didnt work, the mother-biters got resistant to most of them. 3 males 2 females btw
  19. I actually prefer Luísa Sobral to her brother, even though Im glad he sang at the festival as it was the first good performance for Portugal in the last years... Lobbying in the industry gives air time to some less endowded performers xD
  20. We need the phones cause we are listening for footsteps and shots xD not having them would put us at a major disadvantage!
  21. We are not swingers. The country is conservative in general, but there is a bit of everything, just like anywhere else. Maybe we can find some people to come over, who knows? :D
  22. And it's winter... We pretty much are naked all the time if it isn't cold xD Lucky we have central heating!
  23. We played LoL for 6 years, right now only now and then. We are playing currently either Fortnite and PUBG.
  24. Im loving all of your posts! xD I knew we were dorks, but having it replayed as many times as I want is hilarious!
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