Что-то не устраивает? Принимайте у себя гостей как вам нравится и диктуйте им свои правила! Это наши гости и пожалуйста по этому поводу воздержитесь от критики или переключитесь на другую площадку.
Что-то не устраивает? Принимайте у себя гостей как вам нравится и диктуйте им свои правила! Это наши гости и пожалуйста по этому поводу воздержитесь от критики или переключитесь на другую площадку.
Hi. This is our first experience and it will surely happen again. This is not a young girlfriend. Tomorrow her couple will come to her. More options?
Or maybe. after watching them, can you suggest something more intriguing?))
Who is in the living room? correctly I understand you? These are our new friends. They were at the party yesterday. These people will replace us during the vacation.
Favorite viewers, I would like to inform you that Stifler and I leave for the rest tomorrow, it will last 7 days.
We will miss you very much and promise to contact you. During our absence, instead of us there will live a girl who yesterday attended the party and is a wonderful lover. Tomorrow after dinner, the boyfriend will come to the girl.
We are interested in your opinion, we are waiting for the names of our new friends !!!
Question to viewers, once you have fantasies) What would you like to add or how to dilute our sex life) It is interesting to listen to all opinions. Maybe we will be interested in something)))
Maybe someone noticed, we had the first experience with Andriano, so in the future, perhaps we will have this desire. At the moment, we are building a friendship)
Welcome, dear friends! We apologize to our viewers, for the frequent absence of airtime on our site. In the future, we will try to minimize the offline mode. Thank you for watching us !!!!