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Everything posted by RonS

  1. With the light on the forum will Explode!
  2. No then she went to Mathilda bed! And Mathilda she went for a walk)
  3. Esmi doesn't look like she has shave in many days and i like that on her beautiful body. From day one when she came to the project she had the same small bush and I said to my self now there's a beautiful woman!! she doesn't have to keep it all the time but it's nice to see every once in a while i think it's also very sexy on one of the sexiest girl that's ever been on the project:))and i do believe that we will see more of this beauiful lady we have seen many many fantastic moments that she has shared with us and i'm happy to have the pleasure to have seen this beautiful woman at her best✨ remember this is supposed to be real life😊
  4. She's getting her product juice orders together that she sells.
  5. Mathlida is great!!! and she will have many more things to offer😊
  6. RLC is not what it used to be parties in the villa was epic with lovely naked dancing girls before they were men that could come and go as they please. One was Jasmine loved to dance she would dance on the kitchen table, most of the time nude on her bed, in the tub, and she was always sexy like someone else I know. But them days are gone for now.
  7. Lilith has a nice pussy It's a shame she hides the best parts of her bates I usually don't follow her but she caught my attention tonight.The night vision in her room is grainy as many other cams in most of the RLC apartments her room is not good with out some other small lighting source at the end of the bed. But if not place right it can mess with the night vision.....GOOD JOB...Lilith.
  8. And I'm not sorry that's when my true feelings come out. And you don't want to know what them are .And I don't care.
  9. I know true feeling come out when I'm drinking and I hope Esmi stays for 3 years just to fuck with y'all))))))))))))))
  10. I can get porn anywhere that's not what this is about. This is people some people with real feeling and emotions and some not that is real .So the some that has no emotions are the one that complain the ones with emotion don't we are lucky to see what we see..... We cannot get it anywhere else are we wouldn't be here....
  11. Damn I forget her sexy ice cream eating how could I forget that......
  12. Esmi don't eat in the bed shame on you Zabava.. lol
  13. Esmi you need to water them plants so they don't die. Have a good trip be safe.
  14. Esmi I guess we have lost you! But I know this you are the most sexiest and beautiful girl ever seen on here and they are many that believe that. I hope that we see more of you I have high hopes that things get better for you whatever is bothering you .But I will be your fan always.
  15. Zaba left the light on not Esmi was gone already...
  16. She got a nice booty and I'd would call her every night too!! \But she may have a Hostess job somewhere we don't know some girls do work////
  17. Esmi doesn't turn on her mood lights on the headboard anymore she used to turn them on every night they must be broke))
  18. I like the sister and when they are gone you won't have anybody to be rude and crude to! That's for the rude and crude ones here...
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