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Everything posted by RonS

  1. Joe this tells me you don't no too much about women!
  2. Women can ,sneeze and cough, and cause a drip, I've been Married for 26 years that should tell you something............
  3. You guys are funny. Women use pads all the time for drips for discharge she has drank a lot she don't have to be on her mouthly! Women use pads all the time. What does it matter.
  4. I think Esmi has lost some Weight and she's looking good😊
  5. And the only one we talk about is poor Esmi and what she does I would hate that I couldn't go out at night because I would be talk about.
  6. She went for a walk she's wound up I used to get that way about 4:00 am after playing music all night you just got to wine down.
  7. Zabava you look wonderful tonight and you and your sister is the most talked about and I know why.It's that natural beauty you both have you have fun tonight and be safe.
  8. Esmi is a magnet she draws all of us to her!
  9. Esmi's hair them great fitting jean wow wow wow!
  10. Esmi has hers at the top of her door and it stays there.
  11. Zabava I hope you have big dreams and a prospering future Happy Birthday again to a sweet and wonderful girl!
  12. I will shut up now I've been drinking a little bit of Jim Beam. Good whiskey
  13. I know that's the reason we call her a natural beauty.
  14. In general I like women having hair neatly groomed in other places too it sexy.
  15. Esmi had a real bad tlme sleeping last night don't know if it was from the storm or just to much on her mind hope every thing is all right.
  16. I have a thing about long and curly hair it makes a woman more sexy to me.
  17. Happy Birthday Zabava! I hope she didn't have the curl taken out of it I really liked her hair..
  18. I think there will be a party somewhere tomorrow hopefully not off cam our in the b7 villa.
  19. Esmi is very respectful to others and I hate it when she has to share her bed. Tonight she eased in the bed so she would not disturb Alana When they tell her not to run the a/c cut the lights off don't open the window but Esmi always obliges. Esmi gets along with all the girls. That's the reason she's so popular she get along with every body... But when Alana leaves someone else will invade her bed! She can't win. Ariana had that room for about a year and never had girl's come and sleep with her just because she had the large bed they slept on the couch but they love Esmi what can I say.
  20. I thought i would stay up to watch Esmi grace the morning sunlight but I'm going to bed. It's my birthday today got a lot to do and i need my beauty sleep😊
  21. Well It's between two consenting adults so what's the problem? If you think she's going to do it on here it ain't going to happen.....................
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