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Posts posted by RonS

  1. 4 hours ago, ddhm said:

    Still , we are judging Loraine due to her on cameras presence , it might be that off cameras she’s a really great person , to be honest , through all those years , I don’t think the rest of the girls didn’t like her . Loraine is a high class diva and I think at times this is how she was behaving , seeing Esmi befriending ( or Loraine befriending Esmi ? ) her so much during her last weeks of presence , it might be that there are more than the eye meets for any of us on cameras . The language barrier also is a reason that we can’t perhaps understand how two so different on cameras characters have manages to spend time together .. in any case , Esmi has always been an  example of a tenant that needs much much much patience , I will agree with some here that say that we should never forget who this girl was and how she was when she first introduced herself back in March and where she stands now amongst the rest of the girls , how popular she is and most of all , how big of expectations the viewers have from her , this she has managed all by herself and her attitude .. i don’t think we have been fooled by Esmi so as suddenly she’s going to stop respecting the people , us , the ones we contribute for her life she has in Barcelona , just like that . 

    If you looked at the video that the girls played that night on the TV in the LR at the Villa Loriane is funny as shit she is a goofball and not like what we have seen on RLC It was the night all was in the LR.Sept 1st.


  2. 6 hours ago, thinga69 said:

    My prediction is that, if Loraine is still around and Esmi is still hanging out with her will only get less and less from Esmi.

    If Loraine is "teaching" her something is only that Esmi can have fun out side and give her fans only tiny bits of her. Just like Loraine does.

    So this month and maybe the next will be just as dead as it was this last few weeks that Loraine were around her.

    Esmi's downfall have just started.

    I hope she pulls herself together and back to the Esmi we all love. And if she's in a downfall It's short.

    Remember this girl just came with clothes in a bag and just now finding her way in spain to pull her life together so what ever she does I wish her happiness.

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