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Posts posted by RonS

  1. Hopefully Esmi will teach Loraine how to be the real deal.! Maybe that's the reason loraine wants to hang around her to figure out what Esmi got that she don't have. It's all about doing it for herself to please her self in anything she does. The smiles, the cries, the ups and downs, Make her human not a robot like a lot of these girls have got used to being.... And i hope she never becomes one of them girls I like her just the way she IS..............................💕

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  2. 13 hours ago, joebirch said:

    No shit, that’s why I did 👎….I am not here to judge how she or anyone else does it, that’s fucked up and dumb, but from what I saw she didn’t really wanted to but she couldn’t fall asleep so she forced it. I might be wrong, but she has been dead fish for awhile now. Good luck to her 

    You guys got to pay attention more about the sticky fingers it must of got uncomfortable and you guys must not know about women very well we're in the red zone.....................she tried.

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