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Everything posted by RonS

  1. Zabava left B4 with Kristy and she will end up at B1 i bet.
  2. Esmi snoring again there's no wonder she's not bating she is to tired from her days out.
  3. I'm a musicain i've had many bate in front of me.
  4. Pull Gal Gadot up on Google first picture you will see what i mean!
  5. Look at picture of her with her hair pulled back you will see what i mean.
  6. Esmi reminds me of Gal Gadot with her hair always pulled back.
  7. Oh i agree loraine used to be one of my favorite girl's until all the show Started. But have you ever just fell in love with someone the way they act and look. Something about Esmi turns me on i'm just being real.!
  8. This is it Esmi is real deal all the way around bate or no bate this is real life on cam.
  9. No the story is not over till it's over! She will tell us when it over.
  10. Them are not fake bait for the viewer like the other girl's do just because rlc told them they need to do some. See does amazing and sensual pleasure bates like none i've ever seen for her self! And i love how she moves and moan...........
  11. Now all we have to do is get Esmi to do a bate in the tub. I prefer her on the bed because she's awesome there but wherever she's desires.
  12. No post for 3 hours you know Esmi gone.Chorus from a song!Well, let me tell you 'bout her the way she looks The way she acts and the color of her hair Her voice was soft and cool Her eyes were clear and bright But she's not there.LOL
  13. I see Zaba did not charge her dildo again. She must think it don't need to be charged just put it in her drawer where it will stay for a month.
  14. I know Esmi has not been doing any sketches lately.But what would be cool for me if she does get on camcaps to do a sketche of my profile picture on drums. I know i'm weird she is a great artist.
  15. She knows how to teach someone else but you hardly have ever seen her with a dildo.
  16. Problem is Loraine teaching Esmi to do nothing and get paid.
  17. Problem is Loraine teaching Esmi to do nothing and get paid
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