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Everything posted by RonS

  1. Yes i seen that we sure do pay close attention to what she does she done that on the floor Are maybe some notes she wanted to burn or a spiritual thing.
  2. I'm sure there's many callers! Would'nt you.....
  3. If Esmi was getting it wouldn't not be by a stanger and it's none of our business. And i think she would be gone more than what she gone. Hope she does find somebody But that mean we'll see less of her.
  4. Esmi gone out so guess i'll find something to do around the house big house lots to do.
  5. Esmi having a bad day nothing is good in the frige spoiled.
  6. So why do i think she's so beautiful i guess it's because she is!
  7. All i know is both of them they have natural smoking bodies and hope they never change that.
  8. They both are dancers and great dancers don't no about gymnastics but excellent dancers in two different styles Esmi one style and Zababa another.
  9. I feel sorry for Esmi and her knee pain i have gone though the same thing hang in there girl....
  10. What i like about her is she uses a lot of inside finger to night it look like she had a pretty good climax..
  11. Well i know she went to marlene about where she got the rabbit she has. And she bought one and has never charged it or tried to use it she don't have to but at least do a little playing. you do a lot of that in your sleep lol.
  12. Zabava we seen a lot more than most from you so why are you so shy to bate is it to personal you just don't get anything from it or you are just shy if you are any thing like i think you will be you will be wonderful.
  13. Esmi Your like Bastnasite Cystal you will know under your birth in august what it means!
  14. When i say relax i mean know pressures from anybody or anything and yes i do believe she read this!
  15. Joe you know women don't like to be told what to do😊
  16. Esmi we know you are different and i know you have desires and we love it when show us them majestic desires so please relax. You sexy beauty Be Majestic hopefully tonight!
  17. This girl is to hot for i guy not won't to pleaser her all the way and anyway she wants.
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