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Posts posted by charliefoxx69

  1. 20 minutes ago, adamneve said:

    Firecracker is back indeed... who is the other guy?..did he come with her?  that would rub Dick up the wrong way... oops excuse the pun..:blush:

    He comes by from time to time, the last time we saw him he and Katia spent time in the half bath off camera before they went to sleep separately before Christmas.

  2. Last night, was nice to see. Ms. Yellow Pants finally relaxed and got what she "came" for. Jane was accommodating and joined in, but let her guest have her "Dick". More than once.

    As I have said, her relationship with Katia (tip-toes) her live in guest is nowhere near that. Dick. Although he has the green light to be with her they do whatever in the half bath once they get started.

    The difference, Jane doesn't join them as she did last night with Dick/YP then moving to bedroom.

    Dick wants to be with her (Katia) alone and Jane allows it to a point. Who knows why. But that is not what she displayed last night, she was all in and satisfied by Dick too.

    There's no telling if Jane will repeat last night's actions with Katia, but she is more than comfortable with YP having as much Dick as she desires.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Ash1 said:

    "Ms. Yellow Pants" was first seen in the apartment 6 months ago (June 24th), she kissed both Jane and Dick in the living room, and there's nothing to suggest that she hasn't known them longer.


    I misspoke, I should have said I first saw her nearly 90 days ago or more. But this is the first time we have seen both these ladies in the apt at the same time. 

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