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Tamme Klaas

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Everything posted by Tamme Klaas

  1. Her dildo is similar to the surface like "Grisu the little dragon" from a children's musical. 😁 The part will certainly give her as much pleasure as the children have in the musical.
  2. These are problems we can not consider.😉 In this case, the "shirt is closer than my pants" as I say in my country. But, we suffer with the! 😁 It is important that the girls understand each other well.❤️
  3. Hope the girls have a few bottles of wine, vodka and Jägermeister in the house. Hope for a welcome party, with all the girls.
  4. My motto, take life easy, a small piece of sarcasm makes much easier, it is serious when the farewell comes .....
  5. D Deborah in the house, short visit or remains today .... no matter, the main thing she has fun
  6. How true, Russia the dark side of the world. But only my free opinion ......🤔 Statements of mine may contain satire
  7. she will not come back ...... She reminded me of the actress Penélope Cruz. I can be wrong ...
  8. Valeria ist eine sehr schöne Frau, mit eine der schönsten bei RLC. Leider hat sie uns nicht an ihrem "Job im Bad" teilnehmen lassen, so dass sie das "Thema" bei RLC verpasst hat. Gute Heimreise , komme gerne wieder wenn du "locker" geworden bist. Valeria is a very beautiful woman, with one of the most beautiful at RLC. Unfortunately, she did not let us participate in her "job in the bathroom", so she missed the "topic" at RLC. Good trip home, come back if you have become "relaxed".
  9. Es sind die Würfel bei RLC noch nicht gefallen, was für ein Mädchen mit "Männergarantie" hier einzieht. The dice have not fallen yet, what a girl with "men's guarantee" moves in here.😁 "Bloß nicht alles geschriebene auf die Goldwaage legen, es könnte Anteile von Ironie enthalten" "Do not put everything written on the gold scale, it could contain proportions of irony"
  10. Kenny should go to the sofa. He brings nothing today and the ladies would have fun. We also .
  11. Himself is the woman. Unfortunately, no show with Bridget and Anita.
  12. Jetzt fehlt nur noch die Abschiedsvorstellung von Anita und Bridget. Bitte einmal noch , bevor Britget die Heimreise antritt. Now only the farewell performance of Anita and Bridget is missing. Please, once again, before Britget starts the journey home
  13. Super Karla, für deine aufopfernde Weise uns den Abend zu versüßen, mit deiner Hingabe , Ausdauer und Intensität hast du einen guten Beitrag zur Befriedigung bei RLC beigetragen. Klar, es wird wieder einige Deppen geben, die dein Verhalten unmoralisch finden und sich angewidert in die Ecke verkriechen müssen, aber erst nachdem sie lüstern deinen Orgasmus erlebt haben. Super Karla, for your sacrificial way of sweetening the evening, with your dedication, stamina and intensity you have made a good contribution to satisfying RLC. Sure, there will be some idiots again, who will find your behavior immoral and have to hide in disgust in the corner, but only after they have lustfully experienced your orgasm.
  14. Die schöne rosarote Pussy von Karla. und ihr Spiel mit dem "Kitzler" Ein lohnende Thema hierüber zu Philosophieren. Sie beherrscht das Fingerspiel. The beautiful pink pussy of Karla. and her play with the "clit" A worthwhile topic to philosophize about this. She masters the finger play.
  15. Bei diesem Kabinenstückchen von Debora und anderen Mädchen glaubt man nicht in einem Forum zu schreiben. Eher in einem "Friseursalon für Damen" zu sitzen, wo "Hausfrauen" sich in den "Klatschspalten" der "Yellow Press" über Promie´s echauffieren. In this cabin bit of Debora and other girls, you do not believe in writing a forum. Rather to sit in a "hairdressing salon for ladies" where "housewives" echauffieren in the "gossip columns" of the "Yellow Press" about celebrities.
  16. Where is written that a girl may not have a relationship outside the apartment. I can not find anything about it in the terms and conditions of RLC. Quite a lot of excitement about not. Had Deb in the apartment had sex with the boy, what an outcry of the "cocks" here in the forum.
  17. Yes, every year from the 24th of August to the 23rd of September 😁 I dream about it...... Thought, anything is possible with RLC.😏
  18. You, the cleaning lady is always sharp ....😁 It is the "gold piece" in Barcelona.
  19. Thank you Anita ...❤️ Topp "Finger Job" hope you stay in Barcelona and here in # B4
  20. After the towel colors could "male and female" move in .........😏
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