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Tamme Klaas

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Everything posted by Tamme Klaas

  1. Oh, there are some reasons to measure the temperature of a girl's day 😉
  2. It could be better with Ksusha, Aria and Alexa. The "chemistry" is still not right with the "girls". Everyone still has to work on a good coexistence.
  3. She is natural, has beautiful long legs, no plastic breasts and not shy. "Show" she will probably only when she has found her "firm" place.
  4. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Have a good trip, come home safely and say goodbye to "in this theater" dear Naomi! You were one of the best girls in Barcelona! Very nice, that today, the roommates have said goodbye to Naomi. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  5. Oh, I think I could talk to Putin, the former KGB commander in East Berlin in my mother tongue, he speaks very good German and is a best friend of our old chancellor Schröder! I am not proud of this "friendship" of evil! You should have recognized the smiley before you teach history lessons. So that you know that I can also "smartass", you should know that the FSK was the direct predecessor of the FSB! The immediate predecessor of the FSB was the Russian Federal Defense Service (FSK), which was itself a successor to the KGB (2003 then FSB) Story 6 please put! 😗 No offense! Irony is not your strength
  6. Ich wünsche die viel Glück bei der Revolution mit oder gegen RLC ! Die Entscheidung wer in die einzelnen Appartements einzieht wird gegebenenfalls auch ohne Dein Zutun von RLC entschieden. Wie die Nutzung, der den Mädchen zugeteilten Räumen auszusehen hat, denke ich, wird im Rahmen von Verträgen und des von RLC gesetzten Spielraumes sein. Sancho Pancho hat auch schon "Windmühlen" bekämpft. Gerne kämpfe verbissen für "Recht und Ordnung" auf RLC. So lange du deinen monatlichen Beitrag bezahlst, kannst du dich noch so echauffieren, am längeren Hebel sitzt nun mal der Anbieter , oder verzichte auf das Angebot und du musst dir keine Sorgen um einen zu hohen Blutdruck machen. I waive the translation by Google. The meaning of the statement is distorted by the translator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Take it easy, that's life! Imagine, I just want to enjoy the fun and the mostly beautiful girls here in # B ****! Doggedness brings no fun and stomach ulcers!
  7. Speculation or order from one of the girls In the room of Malina and Anastasila, Adri rummaged for a purse, searched her wallet and took pictures of her smartphone. Strange to dig in strange things.
  8. !. Wo steht was von "Der Freund soll einziehen und gemeinsam Leben" ? 2. Wo steht es in Stein gemeißelt, dass in #B2 Mädchen nicht mit Männern Spaß haben dürfen ? 3. Man kann nicht #b1 , #b2, #b3, #b4 und wie viele #b`s vergleichen. Es kommt immer auf den Besatz des Appartement an. Einfach mal vorstellen, drei Mädchen haben Spaß mit Männern (Gästen) in ihren Zimmern und Betten. Nichts ist beständiger wie der Wechsel ! Translated by Google! !. Where does something stand from "The friend should move in and live together"? 2. Where is it carved in stone that in # B2 girls are not allowed to have fun with men? 3. You can not compare # b1, # b2, # b3, # b4 and how many # b`s. It always depends on the stocking of the apartment. Just imagine Three girls have fun with men (guests) in their rooms and beds. Nothing is more constant than the change! ❤️By the way: In # B4 7 -8 girls have to live with each other and be put under one hat, in # B2 max 4 girls. Many women among themselves are like a swarm of bees, difficult to control.❤️
  9. Aria and her friend have today submitted their "application" for the "double bed" at RLC, RLC you have to award the "Gamewiwse" to Aria for this great achievement.
  10. The "glass ball" says: From Sunday we will get surprises in # B2 or it will stay as it is. The Oracle knows nothing real
  11. But not a bad option, Aria to "close combat" with her boyfriend in the room with the "playground"
  12. Another speculation Mila goes in # B2 apparently she gets on well with Alexa Aria gets the "big bed", better for her "gymnastics" with her boyfriend Let's ask the glass ball
  13. Hello. on Anastasila Malina and Candy I would like to do without in # B4, the entertainment value goes to zero. My ABO expires today, I hope that when I come back a little more eager to play girls can be found here. I know, everything will only be a wish! Have a nice Weekend ! See you soon in this theater
  14. again such an unnecessary nagging about the UM Now much better positions of the cameras on the pool area. Settings need time, I think the "illumination" of the area last much better!
  15. Naomi shows us today "a festival of joy", a particularly beautiful Sunday afternoon
  16. Often you have the impression that the forum is a kindergarten Opinions do not have to be put down with insults. Just write something positive! The new girl Elly is in very beautiful girl, she should please us with her beauty. Since nice to each other and a peaceful Sunday!
  17. Some need this boredom. Many see their "life" with the ladies Malina & Anastasila reproduced, you come with your own "wife" only rarely to coitus
  18. Why so much "excitement" about the two most boring girls in this apartment. There are three / four girls who bring a lot of joy!🙂
  19. Die Brille solltest du beim lesen aufsetzen! Ich habe nicht gesagt "Es sind die besten Mädchen" sonder MIT die schönsten Mädchen! Einfach mal verstehen lernen ! The glasses should you put on reading! I did not say "they are the best girls" special with the most beautiful girls! Just learn to understand!
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