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Everything posted by Chiller.Aquarium

  1. Now now KarenKraft am I sensing some cats claws there??? 8) ;D
  2. For those kind words I thank you Sir! I thought I would take a break for a while, but keep an eye on this thread as it will most certainly spring back to life once my hectic real life slows back down to a gallop!!!
  3. It is not a Turtle it is a Tortoise. Here is the definition between Turtles, Tortoise and Terrapins. Turtle— Spends most of its life in the water. Turtles tend to have webbed feet for swimming. Sea turtles (Cheloniidae family) are especially adapted for an aquatic life, with long feet that form flippers and a streamlined body shape. They rarely leave the ocean, except when the females come ashore to lay their eggs, although some species, such as the green sea turtle, do come out on reefs and beaches to bask. Other turtles live in fresh water, like ponds and lakes. They swim, but they also climb out onto banks, logs, or rocks to bask in the sun. In cold weather, they may burrow into the mud, where they go into torpor until spring brings warm weather again. Tortoise— A land-dweller that eats low-growing shrubs, grasses, and even cactus. Tortoises do not have webbed feet; their feet are round and stumpy for walking on land. Tortoises that live in hot, dry habitats use their strong forelimbs to dig burrows. Then, when it’s too hot in the sun, they slip underground. Terrapin— Spends its time both on land and in water, but it always lives near water, along rivers, ponds, and lakes. Terrapins are often found in brackish, swampy areas. The word “terrapin” comes from an Algonquian word for turtle. And I am sure the cat is thinking "How do I get that tasty little morsel out of that hard shell!!". :-\
  4. Think about it! If the admin here was somehow in control of what happens at RLC then why would all the pictures and videos be deleted from here? There is no connection between CC and RLC other than the subject matter!
  5. No worries canito all good. And I am sure Corboblanc will be okay with it too. You know getting along is so much better than arguing and it make the world a better place lets just all forgive the minor errors that we all make and rather look at the positive. Here endith my sermon.
  6. canito I think you are being rather harsh, you do know that in some languages there is no difference in the word used to separate gender so if he is using the Him/Her word in his language and then translating it with say Google translate, that it will always mix it up. Now I do not know what language Corboblanc speaks so I am not sure if his is one of those that doesn't distinguish between gender and I can only speak of the languages that I know from my country and since we have 13 official languages this tends to occur a lot. So I would auto correct it as I read it and just thank him for taking the effort to do the translation for us. In my view him doing so shows that he is trying to be a contributing member in the forum.
  7. And they could call it:- The Unscripted Version of Days of Our Lives. ;D
  8. Sticking your Dick in there will feel like waving your arm in a warm room!!!
  9. Kamila took her laptop upstairs. Are the 2 Ladies together up stairs?
  10. And now Nora has just eaten some food all on her own! definite separation here!!
  11. Has something happened between these 3 ladies that we missed, maybe an argument or a comment passed that wasn't received well. I have been watching them for a while now and while Nora was down stairs watching TV the other 2 were up stairs, when Nora went up stairs to take a bath the other 2 came down for some food. When Nora came back down they scurried back up stairs! It seems they do not even want to be in the same room as Nora! If this is the case then Madam Nora will be swift to issue them their eviction notices! This would be a sad day as these 2 new ladies are really starting to grow on me and it would seem they are starting to loosen up around the cameras.
  12. Thanks for the update I can only see her from the Hall mirror so I wasn't sure. sorry for the false alarm.
  13. You know they say that there is someone as a perfect match for everyone in this world, and when I watch this last GIF from SanPer58 it made me think of Frodo Baggins from Lord of the Rings. Now before everyone jumps down my throat I am not being nasty our disrespectful towards this young lady it is just seeing her in this camera angle that made Frodo Baggins jump to mind. And just for the record I really liked Frodo in the movie.
  14. Has this equipment always been there behind the chair or is it new? If it is new maybe it is the reason for the downed cameras a few days ago and this is the replacement equipment for that which failed.
  15. This is one seriously pissed off looking pussy!!!!!! (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed)
  16. If they use the add image to post option then this uses the Postimage site to do so and you can see the images if however they use the attachments and other options below the post window and then you cannot see the images. I do know that some have written on other threads that they have had problems with Postimage. So that must be why you could see them and now not.
  17. No. It came into being when CC started charging to become a member which is all good as I am sure the site costs a bit to keep running. I have been here since before that but I'm not in a position to be able to pay to become a member. So I see what a can see and that which I cannot is just too bad.
  18. ? Like myself you are not a paid member so you as I cannot see the pictures all we see is a -
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