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Everything posted by Chiller.Aquarium

  1. Hi itsme Thanks for the finds but maybe it is above my computer skills intellect. Do you need to be signed in to google drives to search? Maybe you could give us an idiots guide step by step as to how you search through so that we can all start searching and contributing here and growing this thread. Thanks.
  2. I'll be back!!!! I saw no more likes and or comments so I thought maybe the novelty had worn off. I will post some more tomorrow.
  3. Unless there is a street called "60 years of October" in Krasnoyarsk! Then I am pretty sure he is pulling your chain. ;D
  4. 1 Bathroom between 4 women this could get really nasty or really interesting!!
  5. You are right Pascal I didn't think of that!! RLC should look at repositioning that camera then as it doesn't make for any good views.
  6. Have you noticed how bad the camera is in their bathroom? Notice how much light comes from the bathroom with the door open and the bathroom light on. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  7. I must say that when I spent some time in Poland i noticed the same thing. In my country/home town if you walk down the street and see 2 really good looking women out of 10 you are having a good day. But in Poland I was hard pressed to see an ugly girl! Maybe it was situational and you have rose petaled glasses on when you travel but they were amazingly fantastic. It lead me to wonder that maybe they have a "hide the ugly girls away" policy in place. Whatever it is the eastern block women do seem to be beautiful and more abundant. While in Italy I noticed that they too had good looking YOUNG women but I noted that for some reason they do not seem to age well. Although I did find the Italian people to be the most warm and inviting (even if they couldn't speak English". My 5 cents worth based on my travels. ;D
  8. She is sporting a nice camel toe!!! (Content No Longer Available)
  9. http://s1376.photobucket.com/user/Ling_Hui/library/?sort=3&page=1
  10. http://s1379.photobucket.com/user/ajdelavina9/library/Mobile%20Uploads%202?sort=3&page=8 Another large one but maybe someone else can go through this one as I am running out of time here today.
  11. http://s1375.photobucket.com/user/jpelletier960/library/?sort=3&page=5 This bucket is huge!!! Sorry for the size of this post but I could see the mods actually deleting pics as I was going through the 153 pages so I wanted capture what I could before they erase it all.
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