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pulo filipe

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Everything posted by pulo filipe

  1. Paul putting a cloth with water on his eye Lying on the bed of leora Leora in white pajamas under the blanket on the laptop watching a movie
  2. Paul at the computer working and Leora in a beautiful white sweater in the kitchen Making the eating and using her cell phone
  3. Leora In the bathroom washing the beautiful body with foam
  4. Leora Lying in bed on the laptop watching a movie and that wonderful ass looking at us 🤤 Paul sleeping
  5. In bed Leora Sleeping and Paul sleeping with sleeping mask
  6. In bed Leora under the blanket and Paul under the pink blanket
  7. Girl Eva Lying in bed Leora petting the Eva
  8. Leora In the bathroom brushing my teeth Beautiful red pajamas
  9. Leora Have woken up yet Good afternoon beautiful girl 😍
  10. Leora Sleeping in a nice red pajamas and that nice ass looking at us
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