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pulo filipe

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Everything posted by pulo filipe

  1. girl with white panties and t-shirt And Black pants good night
  2. yesterday leora arrived and was on the phone long talk Paul
  3. pretty girl leora with black pajamas Black panties and T-shirt headband pink
  4. Leora on the couch watching TV eating and drinking tea Good afternoon
  5. Leora in the bathroom washing her face and teeth
  6. weather in czech republic Snow fall 🌨️ 🌡️0° 3°
  7. Leora has already woken up in bed on tablet Good afternoon
  8. yesterday Thousands of people protest against restrictions in the Czech capital I hope leora wasn't there
  9. Gina and Bruno still under maintenance There must have been some problem
  10. good afternoon Girl leora have a great happy monday good afternoon ladies and gentlemen A great Monday with family and friends Nice lunch
  11. A boy asks his father 'Daddy, how many types of breasts are there?' The father, surprised, responds 'Well, son, there are three types of breasts. At twenty a woman's breasts are like melons, round and firm. From thirty to forty they are like pears, still nice but a little droopy. After fifty they are like onions.' 'Onions?' 'Yes, you look at them and cry...'. A girl asks her mother 'Mom, how many types of chicks are there?' The mother, surprised, responds 'Well, daughter, a man, goes through three stages. At twenty, a man's dick is hard and erect like an oak tree. From thirty to forty he is like a willow tree, supple but sure. At fifty he is like a Christmas tree.' 'A Christmas tree?' 'Yes, dry and with some balls hanging for decoration'.
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