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pulo filipe

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Everything posted by pulo filipe

  1. good afternoon ladies and gentlemen a great happy monday Nice lunch
  2. leora already woke up in bed on the phone Good afternoon
  3. weather in czech republic Cloudy and rainy skies ☁️🌧️ 🌡️7°_ -2°
  4. Um fórum de discussão é uma ferramenta para páginas de Internet destinada a promover debates por meio de mensagens publicadas abordando uma mesma questão. Também é chamado de "comunidade" ou "board". Foi criado por John Smith em 1987.
  5. Good Mornin - Buon giorno - Bonjour Good morning Beautiful girls so cute Leora and sexy girl 👸🌟👯 Have a wonderful Monday, full of joy and love Great job 22/ November / 2021
  6. good evening Girl leora 👸 have a great happy night see you tomorrow and sweet dreams
  7. Leora at the kitchen table studying on tablet and book good night
  8. Girl on the sofa drinking tea and on the phone
  9. the girls are dressed or in panties in the apartments aunts arrived
  10. leora on the sofa on the phone With Paul ❤️
  11. At school, the teacher says to Toto: – What is a sheep [good] for? – To give us wool, Miss. [literally, “miss teacher”]. – What is a hen good for? – To give us eggs, Miss. – What is a cow for? – To give us homework, Miss. (“une vache” is a mild slang word to describe a woman who is strict and tough.)
  12. Goodnight beautiful girl leora good night ladies and gentlemen Good Morning Pete everyone have a great happy day
  13. great sunday afternoon happy with family and friends
  14. Leora Taking care of those those who need food and clothing
  15. Leora already awake In the bathroom washing hair Good afternoon
  16. great love Paul AND Eva ❤️❤️ Always present at all times
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