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Everything posted by misterme

  1. yes looks like Viv alerted Nan via her phone they've gone back to pool
  2. Viv ordering pizza for kids from her balcony???!!! (kids playing footie in backyard)
  3. Exactly, it's almost as if she has been watching with us in the past 🤨
  4. exactly what some of like her for incl Boy 1 I think he was intrigued by her enigmatic quality
  5. never too far away from tasty nibbles or sleeping marathons when Viv is around 😀
  6. lol and another snatch of Hallelujah Chorus perhaps saved for later
  7. I am not qualified to judge but imo he is tall, well built and confident type and could pass for male model I would think🙀
  8. girls speaking English in Kitchen with male guest about to go in pool prob
  9. cams on a weird loop or stuck 🙀 clarification: seems ok now
  10. Yes, you would think somebody would have noticed especially as it appears on the preview stills, all it would need is a text to them surely, it's not as if they never look at their phones is it? 🤡
  11. Whoever was hinting that Queen Lola would soon be running the place ... chumocracy, party and presents, name on the wall, balloons, master/mistress bedroom, air of authority, new covers for seating, etc etc. What next, daily roll-call in the morning? 🙀
  12. yes such a pity we cannot see or hear her (on balcony) 👀
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