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Everything posted by misterme

  1. Leia already stripped off most of her clothes and opening the booze😱
  2. ha ha and quite loud voices and excitement I reckon😂
  3. blimey first guests already let us hope they keep the noise down 🙉
  4. They just discussed what he wrote on Tinder - just before 1300 Terrace Cam 5.5
  5. As I say, painted herself into a corner unfortunately, I guess she worries about social activities as it will inevitably expose loverboy to other females which she seems insecure about? Challenging compromises needed on either or both sides for this relationship to prosper imo. I could be wrong maybe she is happy to live like this who knows?
  6. Future readers: here's the fun photo to commemorate, I dunno, maybe, "parties I didn't mind missing out on" ... 😱 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Joking aside, good effort under difficult and changing circumstance, I thought Mia looked different and pretty good.
  7. ha ha waiting for this - so sorry for your loss 🧛‍♂️
  8. Mood in B1 so far seems upbeat but then it would be wouldn't it, Karol seems at home in her old kitchen 🍽️
  9. "new" girl - interesting use of quotation marks ... hmmmm 😉
  10. I have old clip of Karol, I think living in B1, is she in same room as before?
  11. nice to see close-ups in the kitchen could never do that in B4
  12. could almost pass for triplets in the kitchen now 😂
  13. WB GIRLS long time no see 😁 have a nice stay in new home
  14. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Nana has a new b/f?😁
  15. I do wonder if Nana was given the option of staying in B4 for the present as she has (recent) experience of the building and it's ways and others are relative newbies? The thing with Nana, she comes across as responsible and more sensible than many others in the project (and adaptable). Maybe more mature in her ways than some - what we see of her anyways 😉
  16. Yes, do we ever really actually know what is going on in another person's mind, I believe it is sometimes hard to understand our own mindsets also, having said that, I would guess complex issues around Gina, her male companion and accommodation issues.🤔
  17. I have noticed that Nana occasionally does deadpan humour but easy to miss it ... 🤡
  18. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording On closer inspection I think is probably Nan in Halloween mood?😊
  19. So if I was charged £171 for the last 6 months sub, would I be better off cancelling before next automatic deduction (for the same amount) and if I decide to renew what would the new 6 month price then be in pounds? Any suggestions (apart from forgetting the whole thing obviously)? 🤔
  20. ha ha magical twin-fairies special photo opportunity 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
  21. So is anybody able to explain this get-together to a sadly ignorant male, they all dress up as fairies ... and dance ... erm? Is this a girl-thing? 🧚‍♀️
  22. yep to summarize they are all flippin' tall ... viewing Leia now would like to see her next to the B2's she may win if she stands to her full height ... 😉
  23. I am guessing Riya: I would guess she is at least 6' 2", possibly 6' 4" but they never seem to stand still at full height for proper comparison - how tall is Anna? - she looks 6 foot plus and Lola nearly as tall? Not yet seen Leia standing up straight but def slim and tall ...
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