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Amy3 last won the day on April 7 2022

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  1. You have one of the sexiest profile pics ever.... I guess you are following the VH world...I seem to be happy in RLC... but I could follow your beautiful , sexy, face all by itself...  enjoy... kiss

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Amy3


      Yes, I'm a transexxual!

    3. Amy3


      That's me in my background pic too!

    4. mark t

      mark t

      on the outside you're as hot as the girl you are ….. As I say, we are just looking at pictures... the conversation is what brings us to life to one degree or another..... The RLC people are just bodies doing a fantasy dance for us voyeurs to join...It is all good in the hood... and the fun attitude just keeps me interested....if it was any other way....I would be gone!!! and remember my interest in you was just a glance at your eyes,  your face and then or now....a conversation

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