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Everything posted by Amy3
He regularly visits here too along with the other ex CC members. They can’t help it. They gotta know what people outside of their bubble think about them. I live in their heads.
Apparently the new spy site is open. Wonder who they are spying on? 😂 Can anyone explain why moving the forum off site and not linking it is somehow a good thing? I don’t get it. Do people really think that Jabbatb is going to be more tolerant of what others say? Seems to me they just further sandboxed the forum around d the current members. They sure as hell aren’t going to tolerate me.
I can think of no greater ass kisser than this dude from Indiana. He sucks it hard. They pretty much just ignore him, but boy does he try. 😂 PacerColtsFan181062 3d Thank you @jabbath1987 and @kaya for answering my question always appreciate it 2
Does anyone know if Sparkles is still operating moments or did he vanish for good? He told me a long time ago that one day he’d just disappear. I’m just curious to know which it is. My best guess is he’s still there cranking out spots for ole VHTV and keeps up his grand charts and grafts. Has VHTV ever removed a moments operator? BTW, if you’re a moment operator and you’re still paying for a sub. 😂🤣😂
HAHA! She's has her donators hooked even from the outside. I bet she has more than a few on the monthly payment plan. I'm sure her "dead boyfriend" and her laugh their assess off and them while they vacation in Bali on their dime. JonRPremium Subscriber 1 Ted176961 11d visiting friends (Emilia). coming back today (without mentioning possible time)
This is how it works. The forum leaders ask VHTV if so and so is a duplicate account. VHTV then gives the nod to the forum leaders that suspicious accounts belongs to so and so and then the leaders pretend that they don't know, but they do know. They share the information in the backrooms and it spreads from there. That's why there's 9 accusers. They just can't say with certainty otherwise it would expose VHTV for sharing account info with outside others and raise eyebrows. There's plausible deniability at play here. As for me, VHTV would just expose my account information in the open forum and make a joke of it. 😆 Cho2vant 30d Bluewinner: OK… At this point, 9 of you have confirmed this idea, so I would like to ask you - all of you - this question: 'How many people are doing this and who are the pairs ? Rather than making a gratuitous assertion, quantify it by listing the double profiles involved to prove the truth of your words and to see how much this is disrupting this site.
But what would Bluewanker do then? Imagine making heartfelt rememberance videos of her dead boyfriend and then jerking off to her. Feel the love! 🤣 Don't worry, when she needs a refill in her bank account she'll show up again crying into the cams. Hudson220373 1m I understand that Ariela needs her space outside the apartment but it’s depressing to keep her online also because everyone wants her and replacing her presence with other people especially like these isn’t the same. I remain of the opinion that recently, even when I saw it, it hasn’t proven to be what it used to be but it still has the strength to make people talk about itself despite everything and when it’s missing you can feel the difference. I don’t know what to expect but I hope that whatever she does is what makes her happy.
🔥? Looks more like a dumpster 🔥 of a pussy to me. Ew! What is is wrong with it? STD maybe? andre85 2m 1920×1085 474 KB
2 people think this 🔥 😂 QuattroSQ5Premium Subscriber 28m 1920×1085 309 KB
This topic is in the top 20 topics ever viewed in their forum. 405k views. And there is another one dedicated just for cats that has 21k views. These people are fucked in the head. 🤪 Participants, their pets & significant guests (New Directory)
At least this time it wasn't a 12 year old boy taking a bath on cam. Don’t you usually sign the contract before service? 1920×1080 235 KB Graham177046Premium Subscriber Kade181727 3h The new boy from yesterday signed it after the blowjob Btw this girl fucks so many guys without a condom…
Threesome in Flamy and the dudes are just talking to each other and giggling like toddlers. The pictures will look like it was hot, but in truth it was Zzzzzzzzzzzz as usual. Fuck this BS!
In the Art place there was a girl there and now the guy is jerking off. WTF? 🤣 Oh now he's fucking her. OK!
Ok, watched the girls and guys in flamy just now. Holy cow! The girls are trying to be sexy and have fun and the guys look like they'd rather be anywhere else but here. Sensing the boring vibes from the guys the girls stopped and put their clothes back on. Don't let the pictures fool you into thinking something interesting is happening, it's not. It's 100% Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Blah! It's all staged pussy in the cam, dried up nothing. Fire the director! LOL
Looks like they pulled Just_In out of the dugout to make posts. All hands on deck. 🤣
If you watch the Flamy apartment, you need to know that Jabbath is entrenched in it as their acting director. He knows everything about the place and the people in it, inclusing what's coming adn going, so if you post anything about what you think is going on, be aware that he knows better and you just look like an idiot. We used to do this all the time. He'd learn about stuff and tell us about in in PMs and then we'd laugh at the stupid things people would say in the forum. He gets off on that shit. I got sick of being on a pedestal and tried to get him and Sparkles to stop doing that shit and that's when they turned on me. In the forums he's mister nice guy, but behind your back he thinks he's better than you and it makes him happy. jabbath1987Moments Operator Just_In 3m Sienna is a fast learner
Can anuyone explain why there are only 3 comments in this topic? Must be a trust level thing cause surely others have something to say, no? Topic Replies Views Activity Forum Update: New Domain & Removal from Main Site Header 📰 Feed announcement 3
I think you are right. With the forum there is no reason to join, really. All you have to do is wait 2 seconds and whatever is happening will pe posted and likely even the video. There is zero incentive to pay for it. Indeed, a lot of people who had subs were probably just checking the forums for stuff to go back and look at on the timeline or in the archives later. There's no point wasting time sitting there watching anything live. Whenever I had a sub I only got bored as hell of it and half the time I ended up giving my sub away. Plus the interaction and interference with the talent and manger also ruins everything. Jabbath is neck deep into that shit. He loves his pedestal. I am curious to see what this new forum is going look like and who is going to moderate it. They have to find a way to neuter Jabbath's influence. I don't think they have the balls to do it though. Likely, it will be the same 20 people posting the same stupid comments over and over and over again.
Sounds safe huh? 🤣
STFU Jabbath!! Why do you care about CamCaps? You fucking took your ball and ran home after StnCld stopped being your sgt at arms. CC hasn't lost control of anything! I'm essentially a tempest in a teapot in a tiny little topic that I created. I've posting questionable comments in the apt topics and had my comments deleted. To you, control means, you're the one in control! You thnk that what you think is the right way to think and every other way to think is wrong. You took it upon yourself to control everything you could in VHTV's forum to the point that ran off a whole lot of people. And because they are gone, you're sitting there surrounding by stooges who kiss your ass and rub you ego and you think you've done something good. You haven't! You bottlenecked VHTV into a vanilla world that meets you level of tolerance. Anything outside of your bubble gets sactioned and censored by you, the other leaders of that forum, or VHTV themselves. Face it, they did this as a nice way of saying fuck off to you! If they are smart, they will cut ties with you and tell the managers to cut ties with you, and lastly they need to kill off the moments operators, who are only stealing content to trade with RLC members. As much as you think you are helping VHTV, you're really just standing in their way for your own personal interests. jabbath1987Moments Operator 16h What will happen to the CamCaps VHTV forum section? It seems to me VHTV already lost control over that a long time ago but it is still associated with the main site by its name…
Haha! Maybe I should test that? 😈 Jabbath liking this post is so fucking funny! LOL
VHTV and Jabbath just doesn't have enough control over the forums that they are now doing this. VHTV just made Jabbath's sandbox that much smaller. I guess the 20 or so stooges can post their same crap to each other in a more pristine, padded romper room. VHTV just couldn't bring themselves to close it casue they need to keep Jabbath happy and ccasionally they need him on his knees for them. The rest of the traders have way to much pride and anger to dare come back here. Maybe Sparkles will come back. 😆 BTW, who wants to visit a site with the words SPYHUB in it? Sounds dangerous! 😎 kayaProject Team 17h Hey everyone, We’ve noticed that the freedom of discussions on the forum has triggered some automated monitoring, and instead of tightening the rules or adding more censorship, we’ve decided to move the forum to a new domain. We’ll stop linking it from the main site header but don’t worry—you can still access it by the link for now. I will also try posting some advertisement on Telegram to engage our newcomer voyeurs too! In the nearest future, the forum’s new home will be forum.spyhub.tv . Thanks for your understanding, and we hope this change helps keep things running smoothly