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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Skimmed the apartment with the skank girl and the old man who picks his nose and eats his boogers. Apparently they are inviting a bunch of people from the sex clubs. Fucking hell Jabbath, get a life dude! I actually feel sorry for you that you keep wasting your life with your total devotion to all of it. Go outside. Find a girl of your own. Make your own fun. Geez!
  2. They have all of it. I know cause they shared it with me too. Eveyone connected to Anna, I had it and Jabbath gave it to me. All of their social media, including people connnected to them 2-3x deep in real life. They have it all. The idiot stooges in their forum are nothing but useful idtiots for them to laugh at. Then there is the secret clubs with all the video sharing between VHTV and RLC and the other cam sites. The moment operators are total insider scam artists. Jabby is oblivious to most of it. VHTV is so stupid to give them that level of access.
  3. That's about the gest of it at this point. VHTV is a broken 45 record stuck at 9 rpm. Watching Jabby and The Circle Jerks play thier games on the lowly stooges is hilarious. I must admit I miss Sparkles. Fuck-n-A! If you guys only know what that guy was wasting his life doing. He was tracking the friends of friends or friends of every tenant he could find just in case there was might possibly be some connection in some tiny way. Guy is a stalker extraordinaire That guy did nothing but VHTV 24/7 and even though he shut up, I'm sure he's still doing it. 😆
  4. VHTV barely freaking works. Can’t imagine anyone paying for such a glitchy pile of shit. I get it for free though. 😁
  5. And when stncld stopped catering to his demands he took his ball. He is a total pussy! The forum is a scattered mess. Good luck trying to follow anything over time. The scrolling glitch makes everything beyond a day useless. Wonder what got Sparkles to shut the fuck up? Oh wait, I do know.
  6. I don’t know what’s funnier, VHTV’s no pornstars BS or Jabbath pathetic attempt to deny it. Think he would be so forgiving if it was another manager, who he’s not aquatinted with? Hell no he wouldn’t!
  7. Who are the people we see on the website and according to what scenario do they act? People you see online are not actors/porn actors, instead they are real people living their daily routine – work, fitness, parties, sex. There are no scenarios, no operators, no video edition or censorship – real life, real time. Each of these guys has his story and reasons, why he started participating in this project. Information about each person you can find on the web site.
  8. Ole Jabby don't much like Torey's topic. His need to control everything is palpable. 🤡
  9. Jabbath’s new amazing love interest, the 11 out of 10 girl, turns out to be a…………. ……….. pornstar named Lika Gold. 🤣😂🤣 BTW, what ever happened to that ugly girl Marcia he was love with, who also turned to porn? Is she still getting railed in the ass and pissed on by gangs of horse dick black dudes? 😂
  10. OMG something interesting happens in an apartment and VHTV has save everyone from seeing it. Of cource all of the moment operators and Jabbath will gain access to all of the details, which they will gossip about and share in their little circle jerk topic, but not you stooges! Right there folks! It's not real life voyeurism, it's just vanilla, staged, camshows set to the tolerability of the tyrannt Jabbath & Co! Go fuck yourself VHTV!
  11. It is. I knew him well for quite a while and he never once spoke of anyone in his life. I don't think he has ever had a girlfriend. 1987 is drifting into the past and pretty much all he has to show for it is his love for a sex site that gives him purpose. The closest I ever saw him have a girfriend was Lexi, another man's wife. Thing is he actually got to meet her and even then he failed to have sex with her. VHTV is his precious lover. Does that make him a swinger? 🤣
  12. So James says he's leaving and than says that he's still going to be involved as an advisor. Seriously dude! Just go the fuck away and take Jabbath's influence with you so that VHTV can actually be successful. Jabbath is the Kamala Harris of voyeurism. Sucking dick up the ladder of success. Expect VHTV to be more and more like Jabbath. By that I mean boring as fuck! He's already made it so that the only people allowed in the forum are the people who kiss his ass, soon he will do the same to the managers and tenants. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz 😆
  13. He has spent a good chunk of his prime years devoted to propping up VHTV. He actually believes that what he is doing is somehow worthy and noble. The managers and tenants are his girlfriend and lover. James is his daddy and all of the stooges that he allows to share his presence in his forum are his pretend friends. VHTV is Jabbath. The whole site is a reflection of him and his desires. It’s pathetic! Years of his time wasted on utter nonsense for really nothing more than a silly crown. This song sums it up completely for the Priest of VHTV. Please listen. 🤣
  14. VHTV is full of drug addicts, alcoholics, and mentally ill people. It’s boring now because the managers employees only care to do enough to meet their contracts and have some spare money on the side. If people understood the deals the tenants are in their heads would spin. I saw enough of it on my own to make me want to puke. People really have no idea what is really going on in these realms. People really have no idea who these people are even if they talk to them everyday. If you DO find out who they are it just becomes so depressing that you can’t possibly enjoy voyeurism anymore. That’s where these jaded fools who’ve been around for a long time are right now. That’s why they barely say anything. They know too much and it’s taken a toll on their souls, but they cling to their place and so they go on. There is an aspect of this that causes a person to want to feel like this is somehow good natured wholesome fun. People, especially among other like minded people, push each other to normalize their behavior. They talk themselves into feeling like they are doing something good and decent, but in reality they are just creepy perverts taking advantage of another person’s sad predicament. Jabbath, you’re not getting any younger. Get a real life before it’s tool late.
  15. The stooges are corraled in a vanilla sandbox, contrainted by the mindset of Jabbath. Everyone in that forum who dared to think differently has either left because they got sick of it or they got suspended by his mob rule. One's ability to go outside of the sandbox is entirely dependent on how close their tongue is to Jabbath's asshole. Eventually they get so close that they can hardly speak anymore. VHTV needs his cheap labor so badly that they give them the power to control it. Read the comments from their staff. They routinely shit on the tenants and managers, who Jabbath isnt in favor with. VHTV is basically Jabbath. He influences VHTV management, influences many VHTV managers, influences many VHTV tenants, and has total control of VHTV's forum. 💩
  16. The whole thing is a hustle for money. These voyeur sex workers could give a rats ass about the people who watch them beyond taking their money. The proof is simple. When they go away, no one ever hears from them again. Camjohns think the camgirl loves them back. Sorry to bust the bubble, but they only love your money. The subs are being played. End of story!
  17. They will be very supportive, especially if she immediately started fucking a string of new guys one after the other. Lucas who? I personally think this is one last huslte before they left. I'm not convinced he's really dead. The story so far is not that convincing. 15 cardiac arrests, yeah sure! Probably why the circle jerks don't say much of anything about it. As for the dolts in the forum, how would they know for sure that they weren't being lied to for one last payout? Jabbath probably concocted the whole thing and is taking a cut. 😁 Trust VHTV and a camgirl? Don't bet your life on it! 🤣
  18. Anyone else find it very odd for a sex site to post the personal email address for a tenet? 😵‍💫
  19. Apparently he died from some sort of heart attack. She makes it out like he was somehow defending the country in the process. Why not just say what happened to him? Why are those details to be hidden? Then the next post is a method to send her money. Perverts who ogled them are now going to send money into the wind thinking they are doing something noble. You have no idea who is getting that money. You have no idea what the circumstances really are. In truth, you have no idea that he is really even dead. If there is one that is certain in this world, it’s that voyeurs are gullible.
  20. Indeed! VHTV will only be as successful as Jabbath and the inner circle allowed them to be. Participating in Jabbath’s forum means living on one’s knees as a stooge. There is no better word to describe them than stooges.
  21. Oh people in the inner circle know. It suits them to be ambiguous. Here’s how it works. VHTV knows, then they or another manager/tenant tells Jabbath, then Jabbath tells the inner circle, and the inner circle keeps a tight lip out of fear of losing their spot cause ass kissing comes with benefits. It’s subtle. This is why the other operators and leaders hardly ever say anything anymore. The inner circle is a layer above the regular people in the forum. The inner circle knows what’s really going on and what’s coming and the lowly people beneath them are fools they play with to keep up the appearance of an actual forum. The inner circle laugh at them from their pedestal. If any of them get out line and go outside of what Jabbath is willing to tolerate, they get sidelined and suspended. Just about everyone in the forum is in this stupid corral. The whole thing is one big ass kissing extravaganza. VHTV loves their cheap labor and so the charade goes on. VHTV won’t see their true potential until they separate themselves from Jabbath and his inner circle. Amy, how do you know? Well, I know because I was inside of it for like 3 years or whatever. I was a card carrier. If people only knew the level of stalking they do into these people lives, they’d be shocked. It’s all a game of power and control disguised as friendship. I saw right through it and still do.
  22. Some guy posted a comment contemplating whether or not he should continue jerking off to the poor guy. 😂
  23. That’s my first guess too, given the lack of details.. Second, some kind of accident, car or drug overdose. Third, crime. Either way, the idea that pervs are sending condolences to his family is embarrassing and pathetic.
  24. If you don’t kiss Jabbath’s ass, you’re not welcome in that forum. Jabbath took his ball cause he needed a daddy who would beat up people who didn't think like him. VHTV gladly fills that role in exchange for Jabbath’s very cheap labor. Jabbath then uses that power to maintain his vanilla sand box.
  25. Now VHTV is deleting posts and suspending accounts at the request of the pitchfork guys.
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