Humans judge other humans on everything! If we can’t use words to describe things as we see them then we don’t have a forum, we have a news channel. There is already a cc rule to cover insulting the tenants.
Twitter guy called him earlier and asked for pics of them together, kissing or something. He told her and she was like, huh? and then he had to explain that VH wants pics of them to post on Twitter.
Maybe Twitter will call later and tell them when and where to have sex too!
It's Miami! Super humid in the summer. No one has carpet because it would start to smell bad. Plus, if they go to the beach, carpet gets full of sand and it's difficult to clean. This is a typical home in Miami.
The free cam is a actually a pretty good one. You can see most of the apt, but unless something is happening on the dining room table it's not going to be the best view.
My advice would be to may the Cam 1 in the kitchen a pay cam since you can already see into the kitchen from Cam 3. Especially since there are 2 cams in the kitchen
The place is pretty nice and there it is well furnished. So, unless they were "moved" into this place, which doesn't seem to be the case, I'd say they have another decent source of income besides VH.
She seems rather uninterested with the whole thing. Like this is Anthony's deal and she's just going along with it. Plus, she's appears to be a transplant from eastern Europe or further, into the USA. Exactly what I was hoping wouldn't happen.
Gonna be honest, her accent is a big turn off for the idea of an apt in the USA. Just reminds me of one of the ROW apts trying to speak in English. He is a red blooded Southerner!