Oh, and the fact that neither guy came and she was clearly stopping further sex supports my claim that her pussy was injured and she couldn't take it anymore more. Just sayin'
I just would love to know how bad her pussy got hurt and if it was nothing or she powered her way through the pain for some other reason. That's pretty much all I'm curious about.
Sorry stuck post. Never mind! It's no wonder the forums here are so dead lately. We've become RLC, but since there are so few of us, people just quit saying anything.
I don't see anyone here backing me up so I'm guessing no one here cares about what happened. I'm used to it by now. I see this whole event from a completely different perspective then you guys do.
I know, but it still isn't posting them in order. Oh well, you get the idea. I don't care what you guys say. She got hurt and had to power through the rest as long as she could. Why? I guess for views maybe! I don't know, but the way she stopped it all says to me that she couldn't take it any more. I'm sure that she's ok and it's not that big of a deal, but to deny that she got hurt seems odd to me. Almost like you guys don't care.
Here's the proof, not speculation needed. About 1:50 he started jamming his fingers in her pussy like a madman. 5 minutes later Drew threw him the lube. 1 minute later she was in so much pain she had to stop. That is a girl in a lot of pain.
But it wasn't from his fist, it was from the jaggedy manner he was jamming his fingers inside of her pussy without lube. Drew finally threw some to him, but by then the damage was done. Bree powered her way through "round 3" as long as she could before she couldn't take it anymore and quit.
the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence:
"there has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit"
I'd say there's plenty of evidence.