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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. By all means girls put more clothes on. Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.
  2. See the difference! They do it cause they love it and it gets them off. I love it cause they love it and it gets them off. Money may come first, but their passion to do this comes a very, very close second.
  3. Looks like there is about a 15 second delay on VH.
  4. Ok, I'll be gone! Have a nice day!
  5. Guess I'm just a fan of earned worth.
  6. Go to the mall and you can see the same thing in real life. She's fully clothed and wearing a bra. I can hardly contain myself.
  7. Ok, fine I'll grant you that the primary reason is the money. Great! What's the next reason and does it matter?
  8. No! There is world of difference between those who are doing this because they are having fun and it gets them off knowing people are watching (plus they make money doing it) versus those who would rather be doing something else, but for whatever reason they are primarily doing this for money and the money alone. You don't see that?
  9. ...and I'm also saying that if you've been here for over a month without doing anything and then all of the sudden you start after you're getting paid, then you're a faker and nothing but a cam girl performer.
  10. Yes, I'm saying if you can be on VH for over a month and you don't do anything but take a lot of showers you don't deserve to have an apt on VH.
  11. Don't even try that! It's bs and you know it! Jeff and Violet are as real as it gets around here.
  12. Been waiting over a month. Nothing but showers. Not even a kiss and the give her an apt. Ridiculous!
  13. What? Of course it counts! Seems to me if she starts doing anything now, she nothing more then a paid cam girl. For real!
  14. Linda has been on VH for at least a month. Please show me anything interesting that she has done.
  15. Sorry, been waiting quite a while now. Sally, oh I’m sorry, Linda hasn’t done nothing to earn an apt on VH!
  16. Sorry, Linda has had ample time to show us who she is and so far it’s nothing even remotely interesting. Oh, so it’s because she wasn’t getting paid when she was at Zoi and Tim’s place. I see, so now that she’s getting paid her fun side is suddenly going to come out? Boy, that sounds like a real life.
  17. Good point! They have proven they value cleanliness over anything else. Can anyone describe Linda’s personality? And then explain how this is going to be a fun place?
  18. You’re so right, I could have just said that instead. Lol
  19. Problem I see with them is they are devoid of assertiveness and personality. Takes more then a hot body to make an impression around here. I mean live views.
  20. These girls aren't solid lesbians, meaning that they do not prefer to have sex with women over men. They may play lesbians on VHTV bceause it's convenient, but in real life they are bisexual, but prefer sex with men. Believe it!
  21. Wonder if Sid knows about Em getting reamed by another guy. I won't call it sex, because he didn't come. In the words of my favorite girl on VH, "Sex without an orgasm, isn't sex!". I fully agree.
  22. So, in other words I should just go to the mall and check out women there. Lol
  23. Cams 3, 6, and 7 are the only ones worth watching. They might as well just get rid of the rest. As for cam8 in the bathroom. It's not horrible, but it's too high. I hate that view. Yes, it may be great to look down if they are taking a bath, but it's an unnatural angle and it's uncomfortable to the eye to watch.
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