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Posts posted by Amy3

  1. 1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

    Turn the damn lights on if you're going to do this. Cripe!

    I say this because the tenants have to know that VV is in deep shit with their subscribers. Seems to me that they would be going out of their way to be as blatantly sexy as possible. I'm not saying they should make the cams full on porn shoots, but damn don't be having sex and doing kinky stuff in the dark. The only thought that she be in their heads right now is this, "tease, must tease the subscribers"! 

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  2. Haha! I saw a snap shot of Lisa holding Nick up in the bedroom. I figured he was either drunk or just messing around. Drunk makes perfect sense based on that picture. Is Lisa pissed at him or is she being a caring girlfriend?

  3. When was the last sex party on VV? 4 apts = boring couples lounging around. Sex here and there usually in the bedroom. There's just no inspiration to try new things and have fun. I find myself watching Petra's porn on tv more then watching her pleasure herself. Ivo and Rus are just unlikeable. The girls in Tver are gorgeous, but their men suck so bad I can't even look at them.  Most of all, I miss Anna in Voro. The terrace cam in Sofia just sucks. My complaints are from a freeloader perspective. 

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  4. I think there's too few people in the VV forum to be casting out others. Guess I don't see the point of ignoring anyone no matter what they say. Spielo, you can call me a fuckhead to my face if you like. 

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