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Everything posted by zone51

  1. the moment they can find easier again their strapon it's the most important 😁
  2. yes the first interesting thing of this year 2019 in B2
  3. seems mister Amy3 is back (Marble 😁)
  4. exactly this is how i take VH from the beginning it's more a porn site for me than a real voyeur site but i have no problem with this i come on VH for that, they was just not made for VH just click on a pay cam when you are not member and you will see what you have (a clip of porn of vh) this is a good resume of VH 🙂 the people come on VH for having reallife with zero sexual activity have no chance to stay long time on VH exept if they are their own manager and they have a other job on the side (hector/marla is the perfect example of that)
  5. vh give the reasons they want for put a apartment offline we don't know everything
  6. i have my voyeur side sometimes 🙂, for the more serious things i go on VH
  7. and you will see soon a tweet "they left the project for personnal reasons" 😄 nothing surprise me on VH now this is the routine
  8. this is what i said before, rlc and vh are very different and you can't do the same thing on RLC on VH it's not working you have this kind of result, i don't want a RLC bis on VH personally, i come on VH for other reasons and i go on RLC for other reasons too
  9. well the history was short, another one in the archive
  10. on est d'accord c'est bien pour çà que la vie réelle sur VH ne m'intéresse pas je suis sur le site depuis le début et je vois bien comment sont réellement les choses sur ce site, tout tourne autour du sexe pour attirer les vues mais bon c'est ce que je recherche quand je viens sur VH donc çà me va, bon je te laisse je dois y aller j'ai un rendez-vous , à plus tard
  11. the only tickets i send on my side is for complain about this shitty cameras and bad light
  12. c'est pas moi qui l'a dit que les habitants sont payés avec le nombre de vues c'est VH qui l'a dit ici au tout début quand il était très actif sur le forum, la question leur avait été posée, plus les membres payants les regarde et plus elles gagnent d'argent, les couples"normaux" ont un travail à côter comme marla donc ils ne sont pas dépendant de VH c'est juste un extra pour eux c'est pour çà qu'ils sont leur propres managers et qu'ils sont encore sur VH angel/odri ne sont pas leur propre manager c'est différent, leur seul chance de rester longtemps sur le site avec leur manque d'activité actuelle sur le site c'est d'avoir un travail à côter mais bon faut être honnête cet apartement est regarder par les fans de nina/kira c'est la même team,perso je regarde pas. pour moi rlc et vh sont vraiment différent du point de vue business
  13. oui mais si elles perdent trop d'argent avec cet apartement ce sera pas viable longtemps y-a un loyer à payer derrière, perso je les voit pas rester en ligne longtemps si la situation reste comme çà on verra bien
  14. this is why we have almost 150 vh apartments archived on only 3 years, like i said yesterday this apartment will die alone if they have nothing more to offer, not enough viewers= not enough money the tenants are not pay in the same way than on rlc this is not the same business, only the people are their own manager can survive long time on VH with not much sexual activity (hector/marla for example), the managers of theses people have a business to run, if they don't make enough money with one couple they are replaced by another couple
  15. be couragous 🙂 this is why i take only a month membership sometimes, rlc becomes boring very faster specially when it's the same girls return every 4-5 months zero envy to renew on this site the free cams are sufficiant in this moment, i will renew the day i will see minimum 3 new apartments with new people and not a new apartment with Belle inside pls 😁
  16. forget this new camera position i am not member
  17. you can't see what they watching in the apartment of masha, asia and B2
  18. your membership is finished on rlc ze ?
  19. hard to say in some apartments because we can't see the TV
  20. for me the advantage of VH is the big video archive they have, when there is nothing to watch you can spend your time in the archive, on rlc the only thing you have to do when it's boring (alot of times) it's watch the TV or go sleep 🙂
  21. many VH suscibers pay just for the sex, personally i pay for see the nudity and the sex with the girls i am attracted nothing sad about that i go on the porn and cam sites also
  22. from the beginning VH is based on the sex this is why we are on VH, just need to click on a pay cam when you free user and you have a clip of sex... i really don't care about the real boring life when i come on VH, when i come on this site i know what i want see this apartment will die alone if this is the only things they have to offer it's just a question of time before be archived we are not on rlc
  23. but the problem is there is only one correct camera for this couch bed in the living room, if she was in her own bedroom with 3 or 4 cameras it would be more interesting to watch this apartment and she could continue her naked workout or bate in her bedroom when masha have a bf, for me it was an error to keep them in this apartment with only one bedroom
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