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Everything posted by zone51

  1. yes i agree it would be very interesting but when i see the evolution of rlc during this last year i expect nothing
  2. yes only 15 countries (external to schengen) are authorized for the moment to enter in France for example, and i have not see the ukraine country in this list (ukraine is not in the schengen area)
  3. yes but rlc is a ukrainien and russian business first for the girls apartments, i doubt it will happen when i read the answer the rlc support made to sergio, i think rlc working with a agency models in ukraine and russia and they offer them to spend some free paid vacation in barcelona and having ukrainian girls is more confortable for rlc too because of the language we can understand nothing
  4. it was my fear, you should quote them and why not to bring local spanish girls during this complicated period !
  5. nope i am waiting the next casting in the B apartments maybe the next year if we are lucky 😏
  6. waiting all this time to see a new couple on RLC for having this result...don't waste your time in this place if you want my opinion.
  7. and wait the big vacation of this summer they will gone probably for 3 weeks lol
  8. well july is here and no sign of some change with new people in the B apartments
  9. pfffff çà devient ridicule toutes ces guirlandes sur rlc, il devrait interdire çà dans les chambres car c'est juste une catastrophe pour les caméras
  10. please don't miss to add the names of ginger,mimi, baby, elletra ,milena , bonny/rama and alexandra/lucian and kylie/rus time is coming to refresh everything on rlc for a new start in july but i doubt it will happen
  11. we have time to stay with this casting all the summer again 😏, rlc is not hurry to replace them with local girls and couples
  12. i can return in a month and i am sure you will be always a rlc member the guys criticize but they continue to pay...
  13. i see alexandra and lucian are there too, they should close all the other B apartments and let open only B4 and put everybody here, it would be more simple
  14. i have no problem with you harley, you make me more laught than other thing with your posts because i know the reason why you are like this, i know you are not a bad guy you are just very angry to RLC because they banned you and you take your revenge here on camcaps it's logic to me, you are this kind of guy to open your mouth and i like that
  15. i start to think all three girls was in a week-end somewhere with nelly/bogdan maybe in their apartment in spain
  16. yes the stats are here and it's just the beginning if rlc don't find a solution for bring new girls the worst rank traffic i saw on RLC
  17. i think they can leave for return in their countries but the question is about if new ukrainian girls can come in spain for the moment, i doubt because of the visa and rlc keep the current girls more longer as possible because of this they have not really the choice and seems they don't want recruit local tenants
  18. well it's confirmed the europe keep closed their borders the 1st july with the russia (usa and brazil too), not a good news for the rlc business, the ukraine country is not in the schengen area it's not win for see new girls for the moment because of the visa the list will be refreshed every 2 weeks for which countries are authorized to enter in europe
  19. not sure they know where they are , you know the rlc communication taking a year sometimes...
  20. you know i like olya because of her amazing body but her stay is too long now (same thing for the other girls) i want and need to see new girls and new couples in the COV and GOV apartments, i hope we will see many moves in july on rlc
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