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Everything posted by fugwash

  1. I see the sisters being very similar. I think neither one of them expected to be here, and they're not the typical RLC camgirl type. Remember Zaba crying on her bed, caressing her blue and yellow streamers after a pro-Ukraine rally? I think they came to RLC under less than perfect circumstances and were both very worried about what they got themselves into, but slowly slowly they are enjoying their life and their friendships with the other girls, and that's helping to open them up. No question, Zaba getting dildoed by Monica the other night was absolutely amazing. Even Monica and Kristy were looking at each other in disbelief that Zaba was DTF lol. 🤣
  2. The fact that everybody seems to have gone out shopping today suggests to me that the RLC checks came in and thankfully, they didn't default... 🤣 Hopefully Esmi will realize that the big $$$ that allows her to buy lingerie to cover up her pussy is earned during those moments when her pussy is not covered up. It's a paradox, or a pair o' knickers anyway, yuk yuk.
  3. Who painted the painting that used to be in B1, that Karol has now put in her living room? Wasn't it Mila? It's nice to see that painting live on.
  4. Yeah, if only they just replaced Radi with Cecelia. That would've made the most sense. Similarly... replace Kaley with Penny. I doubt any of us would mind. Let Kaley be the one who drops by randomly every couple of weeks... 🤣
  5. What can we do to make Penny permanent? I think she belongs in the project much more than some others. Still the greatest regular guest though, who never became a tenant... Cecelia... ❤️
  6. It's 6 hours later. How ya doing, ceciliame? Still hanging in there? 😄
  7. Ailey... sleep? I'll believe it when I see it. 🤣
  8. Wow, and pretty much gave herself an immediate orgasm too!
  9. Welcome Epikouros! I've enjoyed your posts so far. You are welcome to practice the "ignore" function on people such as joebirch. it will help you have a better time here. 🤣 (also, fwiw, Epicurus is my personal hero -- not you, the philosopher haha...)
  10. Mathilda greeted Esmi at the door like a puppy today, and gave her a big kiss. This is after they had what seemed to be an hour-long heart-to-heart talk on the balcony last night, so I feel like Mathilda has finally accepted Esmi as her new big sister. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording And hopefully it goes the other way too, and Esmi will trade in Zabava for Mathilda. That would be an upgrade.
  11. I always liked Pam's personality, and she had a very good lover for a while there, until he got Covid or something like that? Last I saw her she came back for one of Kylie & Russ' parties at B5 where she and Radi didn't say a word to each other and wouldn't even look in each other's direction.
  12. I remember those days well because I was trying to will a Gina/Stella girl-mance into existence, except that Gina wasn't having any of it. But it sure looked like Stella wanted to do something with Gina.
  13. Yes, sorry, that's what I meant. Pam was in Marlene's room, Radi in Mathilde's, and Stella in Esmi's.
  14. When Zabava first moved into B4, and Esmi was visiting, Esmi used to sleep with Loraine rather than with Zabava, for what it's worth. I'm surprised they didn't sleep together tonight. Maybe it's the size of Loraine's bed in B4 that was the reason, however. As for them appearing nude together (Es and Lor, I mean), yes, this is probably a first because that was back in the days when Esmi was generally more clothed. 😄
  15. Find someone who loves you as much as Marlene loves her own orgasms. 🤣 *chef's kiss* RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  16. I love all three of them in B1, it's basically the only cams I look at now. I didn't think it could get better than with Karol, but Mathilde is such a fun presence, I think there's much promise for the future. ❤️
  17. Okay, let's play Fuck/Marry/Kill on the three girls in B1. GO. (I bring this up because I swear, there's only one right answer. And I feel bad for lovely young Mathilde, because who doesn't want to fuck Marlene, and who wouldn't want to marry Esmi? Cmon!) 😄
  18. The funny thing to me is that in certain regards Kaley's friend reminds me of Kaley... Cuoco. Which means, if she joins, I hope they call her Penny..
  19. I was thinking that too. But all day, Zaba's replays were slowly climbing up the list, so I think it's more that no one thinks to check in on Zabava anymore. I know I don't. I missed the all the sex when it was going on.. I probably clicked on her room by accident and was all like, wait what, she's got a guy in there?!? Holy shit! Once word got around...
  20. Somewhere in Spain, Radi chewed threw a power cable in a tomato field... 🤣
  21. Nah, because they spoke English together, so you can hear their interactions. She picked him up to fuck him. The hilarious thing was, because he asked about the cameras she was totally evasive, to the point where he asked, "so are you on a reality show or something?" Funny thing is, that's exactly what Luna called it once. She asked Kristy, "would it help the show if I brought home a boy?" Like, I guess everybody in the world's point of reference is Big Brother or something... 🤣
  22. I'm trying to imagine what the conversation was between the sisters last night. Zabava: How big was your paycheck this month? Esmi: $$$$ Zabava: You mean $? Esmi: No, $$$$ Zabava: .... Then she goes out and finds a fucktoy.... and yet still Esmi fiddling around in bed alone gets more views!
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