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Everything posted by Mittsy1

  1. Only two minutes before they go to the Bedroom. Masha 16.09.2019
  2. 18.09.2019. https://mab.to/tFAf48S6x https://www90.zippyshare.com/v/aU0YoqAs/file.html
  3. Bonjour sedwor voici un nouveau lien: Linda 14.09.2019
  4. 17.09.2019. Bref et on ne voit rien. Conseil: Ne regardez pas et évitez de télécharger. https://mab.to/ea7kTcOQG https://www33.zippyshare.com/v/YfYZSs0y/file.html
  5. Yes I use ezgif and following your GIF I discovered other treatment options even if they remain insufficient.
  6. I reworked my GIF with the GIF optimizer option to get a GIF that approaches your work. Thank you.
  7. I had already increased the brightness but you did it more than me and your GIF is much better
  8. Hello Letsdothis. It does not bother me at all.
  9. 15.09.2019. https://mab.to/davBiLqjb https://www34.zippyshare.com/v/AGwyVKO0/file.html
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