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Everything posted by JYBRD

  1. Considering all that has gone down theres potential there for a lot of stress I would think.
  2. Somehow I think there will be some who will continue to speculate even after she is gone.
  3. It would appear her suitcase from the bedroom is gone.
  4. ¿Y si está casada y tiene hijos como algunos parecen pensar?
  5. Ive only laid eyes on gf4 what 3/4 times. Seems to me if Martina was all that happy in the relationship Martina wouldnt be looking as sad as she does.
  6. Estoy seguro de que hay culpas más que suficientes para todos.
  7. Not yet. Martina hasnt officially left the project yet. Until Martina leaves Juliet is considered a guest.
  8. M&A broke up. Alberto is expected to leave once his finances are in order.
  9. Well if youre implying Martina doesnt have money whose paying for her university studies and the rent on the place she has found? Not to mention the money she has loaned to Alberto.
  10. Aparentemente se supone que este es el último fin de semana de Martinas. Ya veremos. Parece que no muy feliz.
  11. We are also hearing that Alberto has been after Martina for more money and she said no.
  12. Is Alberto trying to rent an apartment or buy a house. Two different things here where I live. Banks here dont get involved with apartment rentals. You pay the first and last months rental then move in.You can buy or rent a house.If he is looking to buy a house he would have to put down a substantial down payment.
  13. Todo esto explica por qué Alberto intenta sacarle más dinero a Martina para que le ayude a pagar la entrada de su casa.
  14. These two have been with RLC for years. They should have all kinds of money saved up. No need for Martina to have to loan money to Alberto and Alberto shouldnt have to resort to extortion to get money from Martina.
  15. Alberto should not be having any financial woes. Hes had 2 incomes for some time now. One from RLC and the other from his landscape job. Dont know much Martinas part time job pays.
  16. Martina tendría que renunciar a la idea de una carrera en el turismo, creo yo, para volver a RLC.
  17. We shall see. For me it was Martina who made the apartment interesting. Didnt seem to matter whether she was on or off camera.
  18. I think thats something Juliet will have to get use to. Sitting there watching Alberto fuff away on thoes cigarettes.
  19. Apparently she is the sister of a co worker of Alberto.She probably knows Alberto is looking to buy a house.
  20. In real life I think this couple would have separated long ago. Especially after that argument in the kitchen a little while back. I dont think none of this were watching at the moment would be going on.
  21. Anybody else having problems with the cams in M&As apt?
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