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Posts posted by redhead2183

  1. 11 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

    Because I don't have an issue with how they earn their living. But let's be honest/ frank they work on porn site and working hard in my opinion to keep us and RLC happy. Basically the two things are different things.

    Thank you for the question.

    So because they work in the sex industry they're classed as sluts and whores? 

  2. 3 hours ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

    What about Barbie she is a good young slut/ whore to watch? 

    Because at the end of the day, you are paying to watch and the customer. 

    Let's not mince words here the women on RLC aren't the marrying type they're whores/ sluts. They're selling their bodies for money and this is where your non-stop whingeing across all apartments arguments fall down. These women aren't movie actors they are in the main normal women doing their best to earn a living. You have unrealistic expectations of them.

    The other problem is you ddhm drive new and old posters away. I like to think you aren't wanting that but in fact, you are. You in this apartment never and I mean never write a constructive post always negative. 

    My advice to you ddhm if you like Barbie ( we all love a young slut ) watch her and enjoy. 


    Curous to know why you're one minute calling them whores/sluts and then another minute saying they're 'doing their best to earn a living'. 

    Why are they whores one second and then 'just trying to make a living' the next? 

  3. 8 minutes ago, NoOneSpecial said:

    I'm happy for you, that you've never been a victim or witnessed domestic abuse in your life.  My statement has nothing to do with Masha, it has to do with Elvis' behavior.   Whatever the disagreement, he was well past getting whatever his point was across.

    And how do you know I haven't witnessed domestic abuse? 

  4. 27 minutes ago, NoOneSpecial said:

    Not sure I'd complain if the cameras cut out for 5 mins and came back to Elvis laying on the floor with the ladder on top of him.   I don't know what he's going off about, but it's well past the point of psychological/emotional abuse.  He won't let her calm down, whenever she does, he gets in her face and goes off on her until she cries again.

    Just because she has tits and fucks a lot doesn't mean she's not in the wrong. She has serious mental health issues and as much as you want to blame Elvis, she's just as bad. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Ashes10 said:

    We don’t like Elvis because he has proven to be toxic. Truthfully, I am not sure what level of aggression he will have to reach in order for Masha to ditch his ass. I have never met the guy and I can tell he is a POS. I love the guests that come around when he is gone. 

    It's not like Masha is perfect in this relationship either - as was evident the other night with the drugs 

  6. 8 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    I liked Desiree and she had an amazing fine curvy ass but slept lots and did little. They had an exercise machine (I think an elliptical) but never used.

    Looking back at old videos of her, she was a smoke show. Linda is a lot thicker that her too. 

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  7. 3 hours ago, Mister said:

    Linda is by far the laziest in all of RLC history. No matter when I click in there, I see her on the bed. The apartment looks as if a bomb has exploded there.If she does something, then it is so sluggish and without elan / motivation my goodness if she would at least blow the Tibor daily so that at least there comes some movement I would be very surprised.

    I was going to say that Desiree from Desiree and Raul was the laziest, but I think Linda might have her beat 😄

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