I don't know if it's anything to be concerned about.
She always seems to be moody. Maybe she had a bad day and was taking it out on him. I guess it bears watching, but I'm not about to think they will be splitting up any time soon.
We'll see.
I saw the first guy count his money, then put it away and shortly after that they left. When Olga returned, she had the other guy with her.
Now, I didn't really see the other guy pay, but after they laid on the couch...when they were walking toward the door, I saw a flash of money in the guy's hand. That's when I though about her prostituting.
Here are videos of Olga's hijinks tonight.
The first one starts when they kissed on the couch and ends after the guy either came or couldn't get it up anymore.
The second video is Olga's "round two" attempt and her giving up and getting dressed.
First video
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Second video
Oh, and calm down, Wacky ;D
Here are videos of their bath together. The first is the both of them. The second is Lina finishing up after Mark was done.
(The video link associated with this comment is no longer available and has been removed).
Lina alone
(The video link associated with this comment is no longer available and has been removed).
I hope this guy thinks long and hard about what he's getting himself into with her. I believe she is a self-centerd bitch...albeit a great looking bitch.
Looks to me like she's putting a lot of pressure on this guy...but he doesn't seem convinced yet. Maybe he wants to find out if she is good in bed first.