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Posts posted by Mrs.Kitty

  1. 44 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    @Mrs.Kitty i have a question!!
    That games that you play on mobiles and watch on tv ... Could explain how it works? It's just sync game on different mobiles and then transmitted through wifi to tv?? or have any help of other equipment/console?? the system looks +- like the Wii from Nintendo 

    Without the dance game (my bones doesn't let me play that one 😁) what are the name of  possible others?

    PS4 + Wi Fi + Phone 🤔🤔🤔

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  2. 20 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Лиза просто делать то, что вы хотите, и самое важное, что делает тебя счастливой❤️. Но позвольте мне вопрос, пожалуйста. Вы сказали, что вы с Грантом занимаетесь технической работой. Вы работаете над новым местом? 😉

    Yes, but it's not ours) 

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  3. 11 hours ago, nicsjom said:

     @Mrs Kitty

    Фотографии показывают презерватив, который вы носите на член Гранта; возможно, это просто проверить Размер . Извините, но если вы говорите, что не используете 0k, мы Вам доверяем . Вы пытаетесь спасти свою пару

    No. I didn't deny that. Maybe the translator didn't say what I wanted.

  4. Hey. Firstly, we are currently engaged in technical work, so, unfortunately, Brian&Nadia will not come to us in the near future. Second, Grant and I have had a difficult relationship the past few days, but that doesn't mean that Grant is guilty of anything. Sorry about that. I think that all people have difficult times. And relations are strengthened at the expense of such moments. Either you're going through a crisis together or you're breaking up. Third, we dont use condoms because grant is careful after having sex with Juliet (By the way, He wasn't. I'm sorry I upset you hehe). I have some health problems that I'm trying to get rid of. Thanks for your understanding and have a nice day/evening. ❤️💞

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  5. 15 minutes ago, letsdothis said:


    С Рождеством и Новым Годом, Грант и семья!
    A very Merry and Happy Christmas to you, Grant and family!

    Я думаю, что это может быть немного более близким переводом
    того, что сказал Джабба ранее.
    I think this may be a little closer translation of what Jabba said earlier.

    Привет, Лиза, счастливого Рождества тебе и Гранту
    Hi Lisa, Merry Christmas to you and Grant

    Другой перевод вышел так.
    The other translation came out like this.

    Лиза, с Рождеством вас и предоставить
    Lisa, Merry Christmas and provide you

    Веселитесь там! И не забудьте сделать снежного ангела, предполагая,
    Конечно, там есть снег. В противном случае, вы бы просто хлопая
    руками и ногами по земле. :biggrin:
    Have fun out there! And, remember to make a snow angel, assuming,
    of course, there is snow where you are. Otherwise, you'd just be
    flapping your arms and legs on the ground. :biggrin:

    Haha its funny. Thx 🤗😘

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  6. 1 hour ago, ze81 said:

    So she will be "absent" till 9jan..lies lies.What the hell is happening with VHTV!?Once the most trustworthy cam site,were clients were respected and cared,now going downfall more and more.

    Hi, ze81. No lies here. Juliet had to go to her family. This has nothing to do with the incident that happened today. Unfortunately there are bad guys who act like assholes. In the future, we will try to avoid such people and situations. Sorry about that.

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