HAHA. What the hell is this? Junior High? Who gives a shit if she flipped someone or something off? Nobody Whines when that finger is stuffed in her honey hole. She is human and a goddess at that. If she wants to flip us all off while she is dancing around naked, let her. Anyone making complaints to RLC needs to get donkey punched right in their micro bean bag! What did we all just become born again Christians? Anybody that takes offense to that better realign their moral compass and remember why we all watch her. Leora is the Queen of RLC!
That sucks. And right after her epic bate session in the living room. Why couldn't it have been Nina and Kira who do nothing but walk around naked every once in awhile and drink coffee?
No need to reiterate! His constant glomming onto her, following her around like a lost puppy, and blocking will deteriorate her "desirability". If he's in the picture 24/7 and nothing worthwhile happens her viewers will seek other apartments to watch.
All 30 seconds of his performance. Such a disappointment for us and I'm sure for her! She takes way longer than what he just attempted to be satisfied.