I am still able to see the apartment I clicked on the refresh button and it came back up for me, noone is in there.
correction its not the clock isn't moving
I will miss them they kind of grew on all of us its like a final episode of a great TV show that makes you some what emotional....I hope Alina & Anton the very best in their endeavors
Is it custom in Russian to take off your shoes when entering the home, I know some people require it but I see everyone in the apartments do this all accept Hector at times.
Do RLC have a time limit on their leases for tenants? or can they stay as long as they want also has there ever been any tenants on RLC that been 30 and over just curious to what would be the reason for Alina and Anton to be moving (not saying they are in their 30's i wouldn't no)... I am truly hoping that they are moving to a new apartment they was one of the best couple to watch... :( :( :(
I notice a bruise on Milana upper Buttock, curious to know where it came from...might of been a fall or she is into Kinky spankings...I know I just over thinking about the spanking but you never know..