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Everything posted by itohkata

  1. Dude in white is Markus, girl next to him is the current guest of D&S
  2. "Like mold on a mattress"
  3. Tatiana, because she won't have to provide emotional support to her BF afterward .
  4. That is actually the sanest thing I've read on that apartment for a while. Once in a while, while I'm reading the posts about C&P I wonder if I'm watching the same thing as the rest here.
  5. With all the petting going on, I'm starting to lose track of who's doing/gonna do who.
  6. She doesn't seem to require a lot of personal space.
  7. I think I almost understood that sentence, which probably means I should spend less time on this forum.
  8. Out of curiosity, how do you know that ?
  9. As @Melle2 said it's the dude from Dubai and @OneBeing was spot on on everything he added
  10. Well, I know that this conversation was not representative of who he probably is and the sound was, at best, crappy (even if we can thank Octavia for putting him on speaker, because I could barely hear him over the phone), so I could have been wrong in some part of what I heard. But he creeped me out a bit, and I'm not in a relationship with him. That being said, the conversation was really lighthearted and some of the things he was saying are currently being used by some candidates to the US presidency, so... (but that blond fucker also creeps me out, so there might be a link). They called afterward and laughed about it. As Octavia said "religion is a tough subject", which is true. The only thing Octavia said that I disagreed with was that he made some fair points. I must have missed those as I was drowning in the rest of his antiquated views of the world. He also sounded once or twice a bit paternalistic, if not condescending, toward Octavia, like she was not fit to have this kind of discussion for some reason.
  11. That's actually funny to hear Octavia's BF trying to educate her on something she's way ahead of him. Like watching a medieval man explaining to any of our contemporary military why he needs a spear when showed a machine gun : "nah dude, you don't get it, your thingy is not even sharp" The dude seems to not even believe that we've been to mars (if I heard that right). He's also blaming the evil in the world on non-religious people. That's not like religious people ever justified their evil on what god told them to do. Geez, I hope he's good in bed, because as a human being, he seems to sucks ass. [Edit] For those who missed the start : they have been sending voice messages. There seems to be a disagreement or that they are taking different paths, or something like that, and trying to see what they can do about it (in a light way). BF seems to believe that without religion/code you're doomed to rape children. On the other hand, Octavia is promoting open-mindness, self-respect and respect for the others.
  12. I don't want to be doing my french, but by the color of it, that is not champagne.
  13. To be faire, you're on the wrong site if you're looking for a traditional princess.
  14. It's almost making me regret my career path.
  15. And fighting with Tessa for some reasons. Octavia retreated to her room, either to avoid being dragged into this, or to leave them the room to resolve that.
  16. Well those things can only do so much. This is the way : Amazon.com WWW.AMAZON.COM
  17. Alright, if that's what you're asking for, I'll open the gates. That is an uneducated, unobservative and stupid generalization both on the account of Rowena and women in general. As you're saying yourself : "you don't know much about women". If you're smart enough to realize that, why would you assume anything about them ? Maybe your personal experience gave you that impression, but that's called a faulty generalization. I'll let you read the wikipedia page, but the highlights follows (mine emphasis) : A faulty generalization is an informal fallacy wherein a conclusion is drawn about all or many instances of a phenomenon on the basis of one or a few instances of that phenomenon. For example If one meets a rude person from a given country X, one may suspect that most people in country X are rude. If one sees only white swans, one may suspect that all swans are white. On the account of women in general, you're generalizing to them a trait that is actually shared by many people irrelevant of their gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity or whatever else. The more someone hurt you, the harder it is to forgive and forget. But also, many people (again, irrelevant of their gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity or whatever else) are actually capable of forgiving (and forgetting). On the account of Rowena, your comment was unobservative, petty and mean. Unobservative because water went under that bridge and she showed on many occasions that whatever she was upset with, she forgave him. They invited Tatiana at least once, and had many nights with her at D&S. I never saw anything that made me suspect her of fomenting some kind of twisted revenge. On being petty and mean, hoping to see someone take revenge and cause some sort of suffering to another being shows a clear lack of empathy and raises questions about what kind of person you are. Maybe Dagomir made a mistake, certainly that caused her some form of pain and clearly she was mad at him. But like any healthy couple, they seems to have worked out that issue. Also, for what I could witness Dagomir is a very supportive and respectful boyfriend. Rowena seems to be very emotional and he seems to always takes the time needed to recomfort her. Why would you want than man to suffer him watching her "with some straight guy who puts a big one where she can reach it" ? Besides, if she wants to watch that, she can just watch the replays of her and him having sex. He's straight, he has a big one, and she showed many times that not only she can reach it, but she enjoys it. Again, faulty generalization, that's also true for some men toward other men or women (and also true for lesbians). If you do something that expose you to some form of revenge from your loved one, that person is not your loved one, is dangerous and should be left on the spot. Revenge is not the way sane people solve their issues with themselves or others. While that underline that the person who's trying to get revenge has been hurt, it's also a childish way to show that you want the consideration of that person and the expression of the ego in place of reason.
  18. Mate, since you unregistered you've been pissing on RLC and posting enough negative comments for me to notice. You've every right to be disappointed or unsatisfied or whatever you're gonna call it by RLC, the tenants or whatever else. And you did the right and smart thing by unsubscribing. But coming on those forums to say negative shit adds nothing to a pretty much empty conversation. I don't really care about what you say or think but before you unsubscribe you never came as someone I would put on ignore. But you do you.
  19. Probably delivering a new mattress.
  20. Are you bored, bitter, or both ? The last 5 comments I saw from you makes me wonder.
  21. You proved the very first part of what you said with what followed in a spectacular manner.
  22. I'm not sure if most of you realize that life is not a porn flick and that the tenants are not porn actors ? The fact that they are (probably) exhibitionnists or willing to explore (and sometime share) their sexuality on cam doesn't mean that they are willing to fuck with anybody that goes by (some might tho). I'm guessing that some of you are just expressing their frustration, but still.
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