I think RLC is paying quite a hefty allowance so I would be surprised if they were "working girls".. I think they enjoy this as much as they can during their one month stay and RLC is giving them money. Do you think they come only for free rent? I dont think so.. :)
There's no way RLC is paying these girls to live free in this apartment. These girls have a money tree on the balcony!
Je crois qu'elle se touche l'anus , non ?
O le está agarrando por los huevos al novio ... no se.
She's either yanking on his balls or putting something in her ass ;)
A girl only grabs your cock like that if she is putting it in her ass! Good Girl!
Come on Einstein admit you didn't see it when it happened. If you had you would know she did't put it in her ass. In this picture he was coming on her ass and she was jacking him. Fantasies are fun aren't they? It just is embarrassing and kills your credibility when you cross the line and confuse the two publically.
I didn't watch it just saw the picture. Looks like she's guiding it on in!
Sorry to hear you are leaving.
Your comments about human sex trafficking in Barcelona are correct.
Any extent to which RLC is involved is conjecture, of course, but I won't fault you for bringing up the subject.
More information is here, along with a video in English: http://thecnnfreedomproject.blogs.cnn.com/2011/07/05/spains-hot-spot-for-human-trafficking/