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  1. That's because Trump lies, blows up his puny ego and berates legitimate questions.
  2. The thin-skinned reality TV host is having another sadz..... Gabriel Sherman: Trump 'Furious And Frustrated' With Cuomo 'Hijacking The News Cycle' | Crooks and Liars CROOKSANDLIARS.COM MSNBC's Joy Reid speaks with Gabriel Sherman about what's driving Trump to want to hold these lie-filled covid-19 "task force" press briefings.
  3. This is a Covid-19 thread. The article is everything about Trump's response to Covid-19. How does it not belong here?
  4. Pathetic, and possibly illegal. VIDEO: Trump supporter cleans out entire store of supplies, confronted by angry shoppers WWW.DAILYKOS.COM Video link is here—and you’ve got to see it to believe it. The person recording was appalled at her behavior and asked if she was a Trump supporter. And...
  5. Coronavirus Updates (COVID-19) Deaths & Cases per Population | RealClearPolitics WWW.REALCLEARPOLITICS.COM Coronavirus Updates (COVID-19) Deaths & Cases per Population | RealClearPolitics
  6. CNN's Jake Tapper: Perhaps Trump Should Let Pence Take The Helm At Daily Press Conferences WWW.REALCLEARPOLITICS.COM JAKE TAPPER, CNN: To those paying attention, the president's outburst is the latest evidence that he should possibly consider letting Vice President...
  7. Nothing like further dividing a country. Your posts are shameful and disgusting.
  8. ‘OVER MY DEAD BODY’: GOP senator appears to be a ‘no’ on AG Bill Barr’s reported plan to detain indefinitely without a trial WWW.RAWSTORY.COM President Donald Trump’s administration is receiving harsh pushback on a plan to suspend civil rights during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic...
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