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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. Milana will come around at the end, then leave. She is caught in the middle of super power war. and she is playing both sides. uncomfortable I'm sure.
  2. This couple is what brought me here. Leora has matured so much in the two years I've watched her. They used to have the brattiest, silly fights all the time. Once they got the dog, Leora has seemed so happy and sweet. I think she is maturing and maybe ready to start a family soon. Men are slow on that move when they are young. I don't know if they are married or not, but both of them have grown. She is insatiable, at my age I don't think I can keep up with her desires, but I would try. Those hips with those perfect breasts and butt and face. Wow.
  3. This couple has had two spinoffs if we can relate them to TV talk. one didn't work out, one seems to be a hit. They made a guest appearance, they let their friends have the best parties ever! They let people have the run of the house(by the way they clean up perfectly when done) and I don't know any couple that would let people have sex in their bed, on their main sofa, bathroom. Thank you for being drama free D&D. Also lay of Demid folks. He seems cool enough.
  4. A great post by I believe Snaky. There is a lot of name calling and sides being taken. This apt. is unique it is a roommate situation where someone is the lead(head, dorm person in charge) and temporary residents. If anyone has lived in that situation respect common areas! Kitchen, bathroom, living room. With that said Nora is not innocent of being a buzz kill or nosy. She butts in on the mates space. Lilu wasn't having it and neither is Rita. I'm a fan of Rita simply because she is being attacked for standing up to right to share the space. Rita is rebelling now against Nora the den mother who is inconsistent. And for those who really think Nora is hotter than Rita.... come on that's a losing bet. Stop the blame game and name calling. If you don't like the flat, don't watch and cancel. You can always start again. You are not obligated to continue. Sometimes I pay sometimes I don't. This obvious smear campaign against Rita is silly. She will be gone in a month and so will Milena.
  5. Please forgive me if I'm out of line. Leora and Alina seem to have an Asian/European/Russian look to me. I'm American. Is/Was there an Asian community/bi racial occurrence in the former USSR or current separated states?
  6. I'm assuming there is a seniority/time served amongst the tenants. A&A were upgraded, then L&P apartment wise. New tenants or least tenants well after M&S have nicer apts. Lets upgrade this steady couple with a new flat. The family has grown.
  7. Hello, I was wondering if anyone who is old school RLC can give me a rundown from the beginning. I joined summer of 2013 the "new" couple was Isabella forgot his name. It seems there was a at least five couples that I missed. This site seemed interesting to get thoughts o the apts. and couples but it seemed it has turned to begging and those who hate beggars instead of commentary. Reminds me of voyeur dorm but advanced. Thanks
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