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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. Yes, sorry that is what I thought you were referring to.
  2. Oh please there is a point when reality should set in. After 3 hours of nothing I think its time to face facts and he just isn't one to get the job done. And this on top of the last one almost a year ago when she chased him for 5 hours and got almost nothing then. Go fuck the guy in the kitchen. He couldn't do any worse.
  3. My sincere apologies to you. I did not pay attention. My print is too small.
  4. What a stupid comment!! And how well has this guy ever performed. Doesn't take a genius to realize the guy is a lousy fuck.
  5. Wow, I am surprised Eva isn't out chasing after Baldy the way she embarrassed herself last night. Like the first time when she pursued him for almost 5 hours last night she pursued this guy for almost 5 hours again. Just kept after him to fuck her. At least 5 times she was crawling all over him. Lost a lot of respect for her.
  6. Too funny... Eva naked and spread eagle on the bed and the other guy guest comes into the room to sleep on the futon. Edited... my bad sometime when I was not looking she put her long pants on. She was not naked.
  7. Tonight Nelly looked beautiful. We forget about this pleasant couple. Take them for granted. Love them. They are such a beautiful couple.
  8. Marat in bed asleep 0433 Ulyana left the apartment with 2 guys. Hopefully to get some liquor or cigarettes.
  9. Eva is a fucking idiot. Clearly she must really have it bad for Baldy..like it or not. If you are going to fuck someone other than your husband why would you waste one on Baldy knowing her can't get it up and even if he does it won't last more than 2 or 3 minutes. The only reason I can think of is she really likes this guy and wants to fuck him. Recall how incredible passionate she was to him after the first time they fucked many months ago.
  10. Is Eva still after Baldy? I have left home thinking this was over and it looks like she is after him still.
  11. As always. No surprise here. It has happened 8 - 10 times. Once with Eva and numerous times with a girlfriend when he and her stayed in this apartment when Sam and Eva were gone. How much fun can this be Eva when you have to work this hard. She must really want this guy.
  12. You all can say what you want but she is the aggressor tonight. She is all over Baldy. She wants him bad.
  13. I don't think it was planned as Eva has not bathed all day and had to go wash her pussy and ass in the sink before they initially started to play.
  14. I completely agree but there is some strange attraction between Eva and Baldy especially Baldy to Eva.
  15. Seen this before and it was not very good. Baldy cannot get it hard and doesn't last more than a couple of minutes.
  16. Eva now naked in bed with Sam and Baldy. She took her clothes off and climbed into bed with both guys.
  17. Eva washing her pussy in the sink in the bathroom. Looks like we may see her actually fuck baldy.
  18. Eva and Baldy sharing a few kisses in the bed with Sam in the bed as well. This guy is a horrible fuck. Can't last more than a couple of minutes.
  19. I know they aren't perfect and I know they aren't American. I'm not asking them to be perfect. I'm only expressing an opinion based upon my beliefs and values I've acquired over my 70 years. I have been on RLC since Nov 2013. I am fully aware of everything that goes on and have traveled the world owning property in four countries so I have a lot of exposure many don't.
  20. It's not that I don't think they have a good relationship (I do actually) but my idea of love has more romance in it... not just sex. I don't see romance in this marriage. Certainly not on Sam's part. They absolutely enjoy each other's company and there are many times they laugh with each other. But can you explain to me how a married couple can go days without sex even though they are both sexual, how one can be gone for days and when they return they do not show passion. It's just different than what I, as an romantic American, think of marriage.
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