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Posts posted by piedpiper1968

  1. 1 hour ago, moos54 said:

    For the record, she had her period during this week 😁

    Christ Moos, some of us were giving her a lot of credit for lasting a week and you, uncharacteristically, tossed that credit. Thanks anyway for the info. 👌

  2. My very good lifelong friend was a HUGE bicycle rider and loved to explore different routes. Once he was going down a steep hill and not knowing the route came upon a bridge with the openings in it and crashed. Once someone found him, he was rushed to the hospital and wound up staying 4 days with a concussion and 173 stitches in his head. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Deepdave said:

    There are many subjects that any person would not want the whole world to know about.  It does not have to be sexual in nature.  I could name a hundred topics that are none of our business.  Let her have some privacy and privacy for the people she is talking to. 

    My wife and I raised 4 daughters and one tested every boundary known to woman kind so my nature if to be suspicious and I have lots of experience. It's not always about Martina, it's about the activates for which she was a party. This is borne out on numerous other instances including the conversation here on CC. Something happened of consequence and she is discussing it as we write. And it appears to be serious. Maybe you should pay more attention. 

    • Like 1
  4. My suspicions arise when she gets home and spends 50% of the time texting with someone while Alberto is in another room. When he goes to the kitchen, she heads outside with her mobile which she just plugged in to charge. Then when she goes to bed she gets a call 4 1/2 hours later and knowing the camera is listening she whispers her replies and then starts texting again. 


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  5. 9 minutes ago, badboylovesgirls said:

    I  guess that RLC will respond to your nice email as follows:

    Thank you for contacting us 🙂 but unfortunately we don't have any plans for the next 2 or 3 years to open any new apartments 😠 because we are cheap and there is no way we will spend any more money (because we just purchased RLC and we spent tons of money).

    P.S.  My last statement in brackets is my theory that there are new owners of RLC since September or October of last year.  

    When I email RLC it isn't to actually get a response from them, it is to get something off my chest. It's all about me, don't care about them. I have been dealing with RLC since 2013 so I am very aware of their tendencies. 

  6. I sent a nice email to RLC to talk about Harley and how she deserves better treatment. I told them how popular she was among us here in CC and that she and perhaps Ulyana could share a place. In any case Harley's masturbation session today was amazing. I wanted so badly to just lick the screen where her pussy was and maybe even reach down and lick that beautiful asshole too. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

    marlene told the guys they would meet friends at the bar, zaba and cleo were the only girls out

    Yes and as it turned out Zabava evidently wound up with one of the guys and Marlene got the other. And Tata got left out. I actually thought Marlene got along with the other guy really well while at the apartment with Tata. Did you? Most of the conversation was between Marlene and the other guy. 

  8. 22 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

    Well, at least she was the one who cleaned. 😂

    I'm quite certain Zabava text her with pictures of both the condom and the condom box. She did this while Marlene and the guy were out buying the Plan B. I am surprised at how easy-going Marlene was given the condom broke. I couldn't hear what they talked about after he pulled out and saw the condom had broken. 

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