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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. Well here is Marlene tossing the condom box in the trash and taking a paper towel and getting the condom out of the sink and tossing it too 5 hours after it was tossed into the sink. How is she explaining to the girls how the condom arrived in the sink in the first place? lol RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  2. Sorry I keep posting these but it is funny. Here is a link to Zabava taking pictures of both the empty condom box and the condom in the sink. I think she is texting Marlene to come and remove these items. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  3. Zabava picking up the condom box the walking over to look at the condom in the sink. Obviously Esmi has told her about it all. Marlene is out buying what I would guess in the Plan B. This is too funny. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  4. Some wonderful love/ sex sessions last night. Eva and her man had a great session and I finally got confirmation that he occasionally cums inside. I thought I had seen it in Rome, but last night he definitely did. I have never seen anyone cum inside Eva before. Not even Sam.
  5. The moment Esmi sees the condom in the sink. Watch for the next minute. She actually smiles. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  6. OMG you have to see this. I just saw it on replay. No wonder Esmi had a pissed off look this guy tossed his used condom (quite a load actually) into the kitchen sink. Holy Shit!! RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  7. She saw the condom box on the kitchen counter near the fruit bowl. I think she began to wonder "how is it that the box is here in the kitchen"? 🤣
  8. He just came in her mouth and she swallowed it then cleaned his cock up nicely licking up all the cum. Wow!! Got home just in time to see this.
  9. SO true! Doesn't make you wonder who the hell made the decision to bring her on board? WTF were they thinking. Also, I must, at the risk of many negative comments from my fellow CC members, say that Alana is gorgeous when she fixes herself up.
  10. I am a gym buff. I go at least 5 times a week and do both cardio and weights. I have for 25 years. I'm there an average of 2 hours each time I go. Watching Radi do her exercise makes me laugh because then she fucks it up with her diet, smoking and now taking drugs. The outside might look ok, but the inside is getting worse Radi. Wake the fuck up!!
  11. 4 fucking losers in my opinion. Druggers and I have no time for those people. Radi and Tweety have gone down hill and I won't watch them anymore. Get them and Rus and Kylie the fuck off the project.
  12. There is Kitty and Smith's place so who knows.
  13. OMG so this will be the test. Is Masha going to fuck this guy like in the past. If she does it sayonara to the other asshole I hope. She really likes to fuck this guy.
  14. On Replay Masha's hand signal. Kick this fucker out the door and never let him in again Masha. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  15. Let me clarify what I mean. I think ESMI and Zabava are now here in Barcelona and on RLC to do what Karol has been doing, i.e. saving money to move to someplace other than Ukraine. Maybe they will wind up in the Barcelona area, maybe some other destination. Edited to add: and we benefit too as we get to see them. I do wish we could see more action but I understand why that may not be. If we think of how Zabava started I can only wonder what she would be doing had the invasion not occurred. She could be on her 10th guy by now.
  16. I also wonder (and not in a negative way) if they are on a mission to save some money for their families. RLC could be paying them a nice sum that will allow them to send to help their families.
  17. See Karol looks beautiful in those lace front panties. Love it Karol. All light colors work well. And start to grow a little landing strip of pubic hair. Doesn't have to be long but it would look magnificent on you. Something close to what Esmi has.
  18. Radi, Unless you are at a resistance level of like 15 you are getting 0 cardio workout on that elliptical. 🤣 Maybe you are just trying to show us your magnificent ass.
  19. Karol, that was very nice. I hate black panties and could never understand the allure. In my early years women did not shave and I wanted my redheaded wife to show that beautiful pubic hair so I bought her panties that had lace in front so we could see that hair nicely. Karol has a gorgeous pussy with those nice long lips, and she needs to show it more.
  20. Eva must be on her period. She gave her BF a BJ but again she just couldn't swallow it. She could never swallow Sam's either even though she could leave it in her mouth for quite some time while walking to the bathroom from their bedroom. I have a great video of her and Sam fucking right by the kitchen cam and then she goes down and he cums in her mouth. She cleans him up nicely and stands, looks at him for a while then goes to the bathroom and spits the cum in the sink.
  21. The counterproductive/ worthless Loraine back from her fuck session outside the Villa having left at 0030 and returned around 0510.
  22. Wow, looking at replay there was a lot of tongue between Radi and Tata.
  23. Yes Esmi those are the type of panties you should wear. You look fabulous in them too!!
  24. As I have posted before this young woman is much more experienced sexually than many believe. Such a wonderful display of cock sucking and deep throat last night as I watched it on replay. He should cum in her mouth sometime too. And she has had a dick in that beautiful ass many times too. He could easily slip it in and she would love it.
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